
One Click Trading Panel and how to change the default value permanently?

Do you know how to change the default value permanently ? Because after restarting MT5 - One Click Trading Panel doesn't remember my choice

Do you have a problem with the calendar on the platform?

Do you have a problem with the calendar on the platform? Filter events: - by priority - by the currency of the country for which the indicator is published - by country for which the indicator is published does not remember its settings after platform restart. It's a bit frustrating

Will you make this website dark version?

Will you make this website dark version

Legal signal provider - where allowed?

In which European countries can you legally be a signal provider ? Because it's not entirely legal everywhere

How to remove tooltip ?

Can someone help me? How to remove tooltip that appear when hovering over a given tab? Often, if I want to quickly click on the tab indicated by the second or third arrow, I can't because I have to wait for the tooltip to go out. Does anyone know how it can be eliminated? It upsets me a lot