simple Array Operations - need help



I want to search some values in a array by using ArrayBsearch and get the position of the matching values as indices.  

Here is my example with two identical arrays.

In my opinion I should get a row of "index" from 0 to 9 because the elements of "matrix" and "matrix_sort" are identical.

But I don't get the expected result...


Please simply copy and past into a script and execute.

Than you will find the result in ...\MQL5\Files in a file "Array_Operation"


 Here my example:


 void OnStart()


double matrix[10]; ArrayInitialize(matrix,0);

double matrix_sort[10]; ArrayInitialize(matrix_sort,0);

double matrix_neu[10]; ArrayInitialize(matrix_neu,0);

int    index[10]; ArrayInitialize(index,0);

//--- Open log file

int fileHandle=FileOpen("Array_Operation",FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT|FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_UNICODE);

FileWrite(fileHandle,"--- Start");

for (int i=0; i<10; i++)    



     FileWrite(fileHandle,"matrix: ",matrix[i]);



 ArrayCopy(matrix_sort, matrix, 0, 0, WHOLE_ARRAY);

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) 


   FileWrite(fileHandle,"matrix_sort: ",matrix_sort[i]);



for (int i=0; i<10; i++)


    index[i] = ArrayBsearch(matrix, matrix_sort[i]);

    FileWrite(fileHandle,"index : ",index[i]);


// close log file





The arrays "matrix" and "matrix_sort" are identical. (for testing I don't sort the values in matrix_sort)

So there indices are identical too. 

Now If I use " ArrayBsearch(matrix, matrix_sort[i]); " to get the indices from "matrix".

But I don't get the row of indices "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9", I only get something else....


Please can anybody copy into a script and execute ?

In ...\MQL5\Files\  you find a file named "Array_Operation" with the result.

Where is my mistake ???



PS: is there any library which make the handling of arrays more easy ?

      (I only know the Lib posted by bobsley)


ArrayBsearch works only with sorted arrays!!! Read Help

void OnStart()
   double matrix[10];

   double matrix_sort[10];

   double matrix_neu[10];

   int index[10];

//--- Open log file

   int fileHandle=FileOpen("Array_Operation",FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT|FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_UNICODE);
   FileWrite(fileHandle,"--- Start");
   for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
      FileWrite(fileHandle,"matrix: ",matrix[i]);




   for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
      FileWrite(fileHandle,"matrix_sort: ",matrix_sort[i]);

   for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
      FileWrite(fileHandle,"index : ",index[i]);
//--- close log file


index : 0
index : 1
index : 2
index : 3
index : 4
index : 5
index : 6
index : 7
index : 8
index : 9

Documentation on MQL5: Array Functions / ArrayBsearch
Array Functions / ArrayBsearch - Documentation on MQL5

ArrayBsearch works only with sorted arrays!!! Read Help




thank you for your comment,

you are right, the array is to be sorted first.

But it is working only with the same array:



My problem is to find the unsorted indices after sorting the array:

      index[i]=ArrayBsearch(matrix, matrix_sort[i]);

 This is gives me the same strange results...

I need the indices from the original array for every element - after sorting ! 

Is there any possibility ?


application example:

 I have an array with prices:

  index:  0 1 2 3 4

  price:  3 9 5 7 1 

Now I want to get the indices of the top 3 high price for further calculation.

My sugestion was to sort the price array and compare it to the original array with "ArrayBsearch()" to get the indices.

  index: 4 0 2 3 1

  price: 1 3 5 7 9

Now I can simply use the last 3 indices for further calculation...



Any Idea how to implement in MQL5?

I know in ArrayObj.mqh are different "Search" methods which give me the position of the found element but I'm new in OOP.... 

... how can I fill the "matrix" ??? 

#include <Arrays\ArrayObj.mqh>


//| Script program start function                                    |


void OnStart()


CArrayObj *matrix = new CArrayObj;

CArrayObj *matrix_sort = new CArrayObj;

for (int i=0; i<10; i++)    


     matrix.Insert(CObject *element,int pos);


Try my function ArrayBsearch2
   for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
      FileWrite(fileHandle,"index : ",index[i]);

//|   return index array or -1                                       |
int ArrayBsearch2(const double &array[],double value)
   int len=ArrayRange(array,0);
   for(int i=0; i<len; i++)


realy very helpful!

This is exactly what I need.

 Thank you very much.




PS: if any other user has similar problem I propose this too:

      there is the applied case of the problem with the OOP solution ...

The Basics of Object-Oriented Programming
  • 2011.12.07
  • Dmitry Fedoseev
You don't need to know what are polymorphism, encapsulation, etc. all about in to use object-oriented programming (OOP)... you may simply use these features. This article covers the basics of OOP with hands-on examples.