What are my options ?


When a Developer wants to cancel a job  and steal my intellectual property rather than fix HIS problem

For whatever reason I am unable to optimise the TF and he cannot fix the problem in HIS code

Shows me HIS results and expects me to pay in full for an unfinished job


Not the best of copies unfortunately :(  ... ALL the results are identical on ALL 21 timeframes ... Not possible IMHO

Robert Jenkins:

When a Developer wants to cancel a job  and steal my intellectual property rather than fix HIS problem

For whatever reason I am unable to optimise the TF and he cannot fix the problem in HIS code

Shows me HIS results and expects me to pay in full for an unfinished job

Not the best of copies unfortunately :(  ... ALL the results are identical on ALL 21 timeframes ... Not possible IMHO

You can always open a arbitrage and see how it can be solved


Have done that so I can decline his offer to cancel

Apart from the optimisation he has done everything else I asked of him and he would have been getting a five star review, in fact I am sorry to see our relationship go sour over such a trivial issue

Thought at long last I had found myself a proper "Developer" not just a coder  

I never realised that the ability to optimise should be considered an extra ... I had always assumed it was part of the package

Was always my intention to optimise myself ... never once did I expect him to do it

As I suspected ... he wants to cancel the job and walk off with my intellectual property ... possibly for his own use
"Because you didn't "BUY" it from me, the code is still my IPR, later you can buy my licensed version if you are still interested in the MQL5 market at a fantastic price"

"I consider it part of the research process to implement the formula code into an EA, and it turns out the results are quite good"

"If now you ask for the script too late, because the price has increased 5x"

"From the start and description there was no mention of optimization in the agreement" ... was I wrong to assume it should be part of the job ?
Robert Jenkins #:
"I consider it part of the research process to implement the formula code into an EA, and it turns out the results are quite good"

I'm not a lawyer, but this sounds like complete nonsense.

Robert Jenkins #:
"If now you ask for the script too late, because the price has increased 5x"

Looks like blackmail


12. If no conditions for transferring exclusive rights to the program developed via the Freelance service are set in the requirements specification, all the exclusive rights to the ordered software belong to the Customer. In that case, the Developer can use the developed software for his or her own needs on the terms of a free and simple (non-exclusive) license within the entire duration of the exclusive right.

If you see that the developer has published your advisor in the market, you can try to complain by referring to the freelance order where you ordered it and to the rule paragraph that I quoted above.

Robert Jenkins #:
"Because you didn't "BUY" it from me, the code is still my IPR, later you can buy my licensed version if you are still interested in the MQL5 market at a fantastic price"

"I consider it part of the research process to implement the formula code into an EA, and it turns out the results are quite good"

"If now you ask for the script too late, because the price has increased 5x"

"From the start and description there was no mention of optimization in the agreement" ... was I wrong to assume it should be part of the job ?

The third quote does not seem fair <first also by the way>
Fairness does not live by assumptions/hypotheses and is not based on them
Good practice in the field of finance and related relationships is maximum concretics and specificity as possible
Including pricing in case of change of specification and so on
One of the options is to perceive all this as an expensive but useful life experience by Will of God


Here are a couple more interesting points of the rules


According to the provisions of the Terms of Use of MQL5 community, MetaQuotes Ltd. reserves the right to permanently terminate the service and the Agreement without prior notice, resulting in immediate and permanent account block in case your actions seriously violate the Rules, according to MetaQuotes Ltd.

Below are the examples of serious violations of the Terms of Use of MQL5 community:

10. Copying, selling, licensing, distribution, transmission, modifying, adaptation, translation, development of derivative products, decompilation, reverse engineering, disassembling or other illegal actions directed to deriving source codes of third party software distributed via mql5.com web site services, unless otherwise permitted.

12. Using mql5.com web site services to access, copy, transfer, transcode or retransmit content in violation of any law or third party rights.

But, again, I am not a lawyer. Read the rules and wait until the arbitration is considered by the administration


3. The term of accepting the arbitration application is 10 working days. The term of making a decision of the arbitration is not regulated and depends on the actual circumstances of the situation in question.

If the arbitration is not considered by the administration after 10 days, try writing to the topic at the link below, using a translator



The third quote does not seem fair <first also by the way>
Fairness does not live by assumptions/hypotheses and is not based on them
Good practice in the field of finance and related relationships is maximum concretics and specificity as possible
Including pricing in case of change of specification and so on
One of the options is to perceive all this as an expensive but useful life experience by Will of God

In my personal opinion, in all quotes except the fourth one one can see blackmail, fraud and attempts to violate the rules of the service. Therefore, I believe that the only option here is to wait for the arbitration to be considered by the administration.

The problem is not in the operation of the advisor in optimization mode, but in the first three quotes. I believe that this kind of behavior by a developer is abnormal.

Thank you very much

And <in addition to my previous post>
Good man should not be bitten by a snake twice from the same hole