Maurizio Maggini
Maurizio Maggini
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9+ years
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Maurizio Maggini Published product

This indicator plots a moving average in 2 colors:  Green if the slope is bullish Red if the slope is bearish NB: if the last value of the moving average is equal to the previous one, the color will be red. You can obviously edit the Period of the moving average, the width, the MA mode (Simple, Exponential, Smoothed and Linear Weighted) and the MA price (Close, Open, High, Low, Median Price, Typical Price, Weighted Close)

Maurizio Maggini
Added topic how to fix the "Notifications: not enough space for notification 'Test message from ********'" error?
I am receiving the "Notifications: not enough space for notification" on many of my accounts. How can I fix this error? I changed my mobile phone and updated the MQID but that did not fix this issue
Maurizio Maggini
Added topic Printing problem in metatrader4 + win 10
Hi, I was trying to print my code on metatrader4 language editor, I clicked on print and print preview but nothing happened. I tried with another mt4 platform editor (the first one was alpari mt4, the second one was tickmill mt4) but the same problem
Maurizio Maggini
Maurizio Maggini

After 19 days of trading the Wiper One Pro T34 Technology is proving to be a real solid portfolio.
It only trades EURUSD pair (at least up till now but we are planning to add a selection of the same robot technology on the GBPUSD pair in the near future) and so far it has gained a bit more than 6,5% with a max drawdown of 1.6%.
Floating p/l is now positive and so we are expecting to reach 7% pretty soon.

Here is the signal at work:

A different signal using a few robots of the same technology (Wiper One Pro T34) and others of different kind has started trading since mid march. You can see that, starting from then, the account has proved to be very interesting and profitable.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ITALIAN VERSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Dopo soli 19 giorni di trading del portafoglio di robot Wiper One Pro T34 stiamo avendo la conferma di quanto sia solido e performante questo gruppo di robot.
Operano solo sulla coppia euro-dollaro (non hanno particolari esigenze di spread) anche se stiamo terminando un lavoro sulla coppia sterlina-dollaro e presto anche i robot su questa valuta verranno aggiunti al conto.
Fino ad ora il rendimento è stato del 6.5% con un massimo drawdown dell'1.6%.
Attualmente il conto ha un flottante positivo e ci attendiamo di raggiungere il 7% di guadagno presto.

Ecco il link al segnale:

Un segnale differente che usa una buona parte dei robot della tecnologia Wiper One Pro T34 in aggiunta ad altri sta anch'esso comportandosi molto bene.
Ha iniziato ad usare questo genere di robot da metà marzo (prima c'era un live test di un robot scalper) e come potrete notare il conto da allora è stato estremamente regolare e profittevole (tra l'altro il mese di aprile è stato un mese negativo per i nostri robot e nonostante questo lo si è chiuso positivo.

Il link al segnale è il seguente:
Maurizio Maggini
Added topic Custom analysis via ontester not working properly on mt4
Why the ontester() function of mt4 is not working properly? I wrote this piece of very simple code that should give me an interesting way of evaluating a system. I used the genetic algorithm (by the way what's the difference between using it and not
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Maurizio Maggini
Maurizio Maggini
Added more info to the signals' descriptions
Maurizio Maggini
Maurizio Maggini
Please contact us for any questions about the signals.
We will be happy to help you and explain how we work the trades and which of our signal account is best suited to your needs and to your broker.
So please contact us via private message and we will give you our email or skype.
Maurizio Maggini
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