
Discussion of the possibility of conflicting information on some pages on the documentation

I started this thread to move a discussion being had on another thread (that was getting way off topic for the thread) so that other people can chime in on what their opinion is regarding this thought. Are there pages (such as documentation or others) that have conflicting information on them? I

Enumerated lists code chunks, by category (MQL4 and MQL5)

Code examples for Enumerated lists of currency pairs. Mods and admins, if there is a better place in code base for this, please feel free to move it (other than to the trash can). I did not see one specific section that stood out to me, and I also think it doesn't belong on only MQL4 or only MQL5

Enumerated lists code chunks, by category (MQL4 and MQL5)

I posted this topic on forum, and I am linking to it here for those that do not normally go to the site. It is a set of pre-coded enumerated lists code stubs with trading pairs already set up into various categories. I wanted to post it to the code base, but I did not find a

An idea I want to throw out there that could potentially help all of us who use this forum

I have an idea I want to throw out there, and see how the rest of the community feels on this idea. Not really a fan of a poll as I feel this should be a discussion more than a simple yes or no answer type of thing. Obviously, MQ would also have to be acceptable with this. Here is my problem. The

Something important to remember when trading using signals

There is something very important to remember when trading using signals. For those not familiar with how this works, you "subscribe" to follow someone else's trades, sometimes there is a fee for this, sometimes not. Anyway, back to the purpose for this thread. Despite what people may think, while

Odd function regarding getting to submitted articles

It seems odd that you can get to your posts and (I presume since I don't have any) published articles from your profile page, but to see submitted articles, you have no choice but to go through the articles tab at the top of the website. To me, it would seem to make sense that you should be able to

Happy Birthday U.S.A.!

Happy 4th of July to all of the residents of the United States of America! Hope your holiday weekend is happy and fun and most of all, safe! My thanks to all the men and women, past and present, that have made it possible for us to celebrate this holiday for almost 240 years

Forum Rules

I thought it would be helpful to have an easy to find spot to see what the rules are on this forum, because there has been some confusion with them before (from me for sure, possibly with other people as well). (copied from ) Rules Please be polite when

Forum rules

I know they were shown (allegedly) when we created our user accounts on here, but I think it would be a good idea to have a sticky topic thread in here with the forum rules. I think this would be a good idea because that would give everybody a chance to review them occasionally, and also, since this

Forum Etiquette

While the forum is supposed to be a place to get help with a problem you are having with either MQL4 or MT4, and a place to be able to help others with problems, there are some steps that every forum user can do to help all of us. First off, remember that we are here by our choice, volunteers for