Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
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5+ years
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We are a closed brotherhood of traders whose ultimate goal is to profit through well-studied, structured, and automated trades. As a result, we publish dozens of MT5 indicators (FREE and paid) to the global MQL5 community. 80% of our published products are high-quality free indicators so beginner traders can study and develop their own knowledge and strategies without the burden of the costs in this initial phase of their lives as traders. We have also intermediate and advanced traders who love our products, that's the reason for our high rates on our profile and on our products.

Our Motto: Disrupt. All Ways. Always.

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Live Long and Prosper.
Flavio Javier Jarabeck Published product

The Volume Weighted Moving Average (VWMA) is calculated based on Prices and their related Volumes giving importance to those candles with more Volume. During periods of almost equal volume distributed along the observed period (commonly, in low volume periods) the VWMA will be graphically similar to a Simple Moving Average. Used along other moving averages a VWMA could be used as an alert, filter or whatever your imagination could think of... HOW TO "READ" THIS INDICATOR As any Moving Average

Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2003, 232 pages, by Michael Jardine . The subject of Fibonacci always came to my mind as a self-fulfilled prophecy. And It is that, right now, nowadays...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2012, 336 pages, by Anthony Trongone . The sub-title may be misleading: “How to Construct Market-Beating Trading Systems”. The whole work is on you through a well-documented path on analytics and basic statistics of market data. There is no easy answer or system in this book...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck Published product
Reviews: 1
35.00 USD

Imagine a support tool that Colors Up the candlesticks on your chart according to the market behavior, based on Trend , Momentum , Price Behavior, and/or Volume . You choose what to use! Well, welcome to the Minions Labs creation called Impulse Detector ! This flexible indicator is designed to give visual support on your chart using just colored candlesticks, so you can continue to draw your studies, use any other indicators in auxiliary sub-windows without affecting your screen real state. It

Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Added topic PayPal Whitdrawal... A Feedback from MetaQuotes...
I really want to hear from Metaquotes about the PayPal integration because this week PayPal just vanished as an option to withdraw our earned money to our own Bank accounts. This ecosystem will only be fair and trustable if both sides trust each
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
The Business One Irwin Guide to Trading Systems – by Bruce Babcock, Jr. 1989, 316pages, by Bruce Babcock, Jr. A book that is a delight to read...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck Published product

Imagine a simple and powerful line that gives you everything you need: Trend and Momentum . Welcome to the Trend Momentum Moving Average ! Visually it seems like a very simple Moving average, but in fact it is a VIDYA ( Variable/Volatility Index Dynamic Average ) type of moving average - originally created by Tushar Chande - and the main purpose of this special Moving Average is to understand and interpret the current volatility of the market and apply it as a smoothing factor for a traditional

Flavio Javier Jarabeck Published product
Reviews: 1
35.00 USD

The Relative Strenght Index presented to the world in 1978 by J. Welles Wilder Jr. in his book " New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems " is widely used around the world in several ways, not only with the traditional approach of Overbought and Oversold states, which in several cases and depending on the assets and timeframes it just simply doesn't work anymore . BUT, this indicator has its value when used, for instance, looking for divergences between its measuring system and the Prices

Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Published screenshot
One more Minion in the oven...
CADJPY, M15ActivTrades PlcOne more Minion in the oven...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2007, 440 pages, by Daryl Guppy A good starting point for those who want to learn to trade the markets. Essentially is a trend trading approach that could be used as an additional study to build your own strategies...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck Published product
Reviews: 27

If you have the opportunity to read the book " Trend Trading - A Seven-Step Approach to success " by Daryl Guppy, you will have a great deal of information about how to "read" the market. In his book Daryl show, among other things, how can we use a visual tool to measure the volatility and trend between Long and Short-term periods: The GMMA - Guppy Multiple Moving Averages . Instead of using his original idea of having 12 Exponential Moving Averages in your chart - which could be very

Flavio Javier Jarabeck Published product

We at Minions Labs always like to defy the stablished systems and beliefs trying new things and new ways of seeing and interpreting the Market Data. And all starts with the following question... WHAT IF... You give more relevance and focus on the Wicks/Shadows on the candlesticks? And Why? In volatile markets wicks play an important role on determining who is winning the the fight between Bulls and Bears , and more than that, Higher and lower wicks can present you with a good status of the

Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Published screenshot
A crazy approach on Price Action...
WIN$N, M2Modal DTVM Ltda.A crazy approach on Price Action...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck Published product

35.00 USD

For those who are fans of the traditional MACD ( Moving Average Convergece/Divergence ) indicator, here it is a way faster indicator that could be very useful for intraday trading. Of course it could be used in higher timeframes, with the proper settings. Here at Minions Labs we always encourage traders to calibrate every single indicator you have to extract and distill every drop of good information it has for you. And this is the case with this speedy friend... This Zero Lag MACD could be used

Flavio Javier Jarabeck Published product

For those who are fans of Bill William's strategy, here it is the Trade Zone indicator filled with alerts and a better coloring system and EA ready (BUY & SELL buffers). And for those who don't know Bill Williams work, search Amazon for the title " Trading Chaos: Maximize Profits with Proven Technical Techniques ". This indicator internally uses the widely known Awesome Oscillator along with the Accelerator indicator, and when both are aligned it lights up the candles signaling a probable

Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2008, 302 pages, by Bill Williams and Justine Gregory-Williams Pretty decent book. I've already read the original version from 1994 in which Bill was using the very well known indicators called Alligator, Awesome Oscillator, Accelerator and the Fractal...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2008, 320 pages, by Mark Tinghino Being a book published by Bloomberg I expected waaaaay more than a copy cat of other Technical Analysis books...