A programmer is needed to create immortality - page 4


Became a pensioner at the age of 37.
Became a pensioner at the age of 37.
No, he became immortal!
Time to make toilets to drown immortals in packs. Perpetual business.
Time to make toilets to drown immortals in packs. Perpetual business.

not toilets, but latrines, and not drowning, but pissing ;)

"We'll find them in the latrine, we' ll piss them in the latrine too" ((c) a certain very famous politician)

I'm here. How many immortals do you need?
I'm here. How many immortals do I need?
Go away, you can't have my soul ))))
I'm here. How many immortals do you need?
Young man, there's a lot of jail time these days for speculating on immortality.
Young man, nowadays you can get a big sentence for speculating on immortality.

Ivan Vassilyevich would have put this entire forum on a stake long ago, especially if it was about immortality, and most of the people in Russia would have sat on a stake, first of all the people in power, power.

Immortality for a Russian, it is simply unimaginable what will happen to the planet.

I myself am a Russian for information, you know what kind of people they are, they are disliked in other countries for a reason.

Now you say tsar) take action.

Young man, there's a lot of jail time these days for speculating on immortality.

What kind of backward country do you live in?

PS, I'm officially older than you, but I certainly look better than you, thanks for noticing.


Ivan Vassilyevich would have put this entire forum on a stake long ago, especially if it was about immortality, and most of the people in Russia would have sat on a stake, first of all the people in power, power.

Immortality for a Russian, it is simply unimaginable what will happen to the planet.

I myself am a Russian for information, you know what kind of people they are, they are disliked in other countries for a reason.

Now you say tsar) take action.

You say "I am myself..." and then " they are nowhere..." in the second person. " in the second person. If you steal the towels in the room, why love you?