[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 294

Are they going to publish anything today?

Can't sleep tonight)))

Worried about the poses? I've been there before :)
Looks like it's starting to move up.... Launch your demoloshadecks and into ATACUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! :)))))))))

down, turn the monitor upside down)))))

What did I tell you yesterday - tariff and hold)))

Well humorites..... I lost a bit, now I'm back in the buy.....
You've got a lot riding on this...
Well wasn't it going to 1.3150???

Let's hit 3130

Forex is all about being a good traitor: ))))) to yourself.... First I believed the eu would go up and then I gave up the idea.... ended up going up :))))))