Thoughts on some of the absurdity of multi-currency analysis. - page 9

getch писал(а) >>

Justify. My statement is true for any shoulder.


GBPJPY - buy 1 lot of pound for yen, number of yen depends on current prices

USDJPY - buy 1 lot of quid for yen, number of yen depends on current prices

EURUSD - buy 1 lot of euro for dollars, the amount depends on the current prices

Altogether we have 1 lot for GBP, 1 lot for EUR.

1 lot minus an unknown number of lots (depends on the current price) for the quid

And variable amount of yen in the debt, which changes with every new tick.

vasya_vasya >>:

This is the standard and confusing view.

An unconventional but simple look:

Leverage any.

BUY 1 lot EURUSD 1.3580 - we have 100,000 EUR and -135,800 (negative) USD.

BUY 1 lot USDJPY 89.30 - we have 100 000 USD and -8 930 000 (negative) JPY.

SELL 1 lot GBPJPY 134.30 - we have -100 000 GBP and 13 400 000 J PY available.

In total we have available:

100,000 EUR

-100 000 GBP

4 470 000 JPY

-35,800 USD

This amount is permanent!

getch писал(а) >>

This is the standard and confusing view.

An unconventional but simple look:

Leverage any.

BUY 1 lot EURUSD 1.3580 - we have 100,000 EUR and -135,800 (negative) USD.

This amount is constant!

Then I have a question, what happens if the exchange rate changes to 1.3590, how many quid do we have to give now?

Risk >>:

Жесть :)))))

Исправь скорее .... пока никто не видит.

Go and put on your lipstick.

vasya_vasya писал(а) >>

Then I have a question, what happens if the exchange rate changes to 1.3590, how many quid do we have to give up now?

Sorry, but you have not phrased the question correctly. You need to specify three prices, and they must satisfy the condition (i.e. the real ones - from xforex). And only after that you should recalculate.

Neither FOR nor AGAINST - the reader :)

AlexEro писал(а) >>

>> go put on some lipstick.

You got the wrong... >> faggot.
Guys, don't make a mess in a normal topic :)
Magnatis писал(а) >>
Guys, don't make a mess in a normal topic :)


A bunch of rams don't know how to calculate crosses and another ram has an account opened in crosses.

It just once again revealed the uneducated mediocrity and endless stupidity of the vast majority of forex gamblers.

Risk писал(а) >>


A bunch of sheep don't know how to calculate crosses, and another sheep is opening accounts in crosses.

This is just another time revealed uneducated mediocrity and endless stupidity of the vast majority of gamblers in the forex market.

>> it's not about crosses, there's a lot to discuss.


1) I see gentlemen are calculating the cost of human psychology now and in n time.

2) it's pure mathematics here, someone had something and didn't get it.

3) maybe we are confusing the use of leverage with buying currency with real money without leverage?
