Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 49

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

What don't you agree with then?

Why is the word personality in inverted commas?
Реter Konow:
Why is the word personality in inverted commas?

according to the rules of the Russian language

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

according to the rules of the Russian language

Seriously? Surely not by context?
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Are you stupid?

Ooh! You've been asked a cultural question - why put the word Personality in quotes?

Max, don't delete the messages.

I added a lot, I admit I was wrong, I'm sorry.

Even though you have to be dragged all the time.
How did they let you out of your cage?
Gorgias was a bit quick to jump to the wrong conclusions. He is judging everyone else by himself.
Vladimir Baskakov:
How did they let you out of your cage?

probably gave signs of a man, and you'll go there soon, try it out, I don't even know who's going to pull you out), however offended you are

A breakthrough is looming. If this technology is combined with the same innovative conceptual framework of the MoD, we have the next generation of AI.

GlobalFoundries собралась делать аналоговые ИИ-процессоры, которые на порядки эффективнее обычных
GlobalFoundries собралась делать аналоговые ИИ-процессоры, которые на порядки эффективнее обычных
Некоторые наши читатели скептически отнеслись к недавней заметке о том, что заводы GlobalFoundries могут стать кузницей терминаторов, а зря. Компания GlobalFoundries снова спешит удивить глубиной интереса к теме искусственного интеллекта и производства кремниевых «мозгов». На этот раз вместе с бельгийскими разработчиками. Совместным...
It is strange that progress on quantum computers has stalled. Incredible, god-like results were promised but, all is quiet. It instantaneously unfolds all combinations of bit complex states due to quantum property of superposition, but except for cipher breaking no use has been found yet...

And the technology above is interesting, not even for its speed or accuracy, but because it tries to combine memory and processor into a single entity. If it succeeds conceptually, a breakthrough in AI is assured, and it doesn't matter whether the system is digital or analogue.