Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 53


The video shows fairly simple things, and nothing supernatural has been exposed yet.

  1. Builds the simplest interface according to the simplest description.
  2. Builds a table in Excel with three columns according to the rule indicated in the description or example.

So far, this is all I have seen. Although, they are talking about something global... If I were them, I'd show much more impressive results.

Are they modest? ))

A definite breakthrough in automatic extraction of a rule from an example once (when the dates were entered into the table in descending order and the system extrapolated this rule to complete the table). This is really cool!)

Реter Konow:

The limits of GPT-3 are unclear.

solutions can be discussed


I need you to make if else multi-levels in your program, for quick use, i.e. easy access to arguments, and all

all this should be run in a loop and simulate the arrival of ticks, albeit from a file any similar to work

this would not be a bad paid utility.

No, I'm kidding you, make a trading robot.
One of the videos makes a really fantastic claim, saying that GPT-3 can translate the complex text of legal documents into a language accessible to a second grader. This is where I had my doubts... It's the most amazing thing the web can do, but they almost never showed an example. Something's not right...

Yes and all the other examples are in abbreviated and fleeting form. It's hard to grasp anything. Maybe it's a "trick"?))
Someone connect to their API and we'll test GPT-3 capabilities through you. Please)))

This video explains better the features and limitations of GPT-3. (sorry, I couldn't find the material in Russian).

I have a strong feeling that in the next five years a real AI will appear, and GPT-3 will look like a dwarf compared to it.


Another significant difference will be that it will not interface with any application or platform (excel, word, ...VS). It will have its own interface where it can show anything - any result. So, it will become a universal application itself. That's what I think.


Another demo of the GPT-3 features. The coolest thing in my opinion is the semantic simplification of typed text, but it's not clear yet until I try it myself. The rest of the features are also cool, but so far simple in terms of AI tasks. Although some things are simply unexplainable, e.g. mathematical formulae based on brief verbal description, or short answers to various questions instead of footnotes and references.

It's been a long time since technology has surprised so much....)))) This is a real breakthrough!

AI fever is starting now. People will create more features for GPT-3 until they hit some kind of limit. Then, it will take another qualitative leap forward and it will change our World.