I am looking for a message app!


Hello mate,

I am looking for messaging app. What messaging app do you use mostly? Basically I want to monitor all, delete message, banned users by using this app. Which will be better.

Idea please!


try Whatsapp


Actually I want to set up social chatroom for my website. What will you recommend?


As I know, the chatroom was an extra app/plugin, which you had inplement in your forum/website enviroment/software. Not all plugins were available for all forum softwares. For WBB 3.5 I used the Ajax Shoutbox, that was quiet awesome and made no probs as the standard chat box of WBB. As Admin you can delete posts very easily (press red cross), and only members can post. For vBulletin it was not available back then, 5 years ago, the first smartphones just entered the market. How it is now, me no have idea.


Thanks for your decent reply. But I talked some of my friends about chatroom. Which chatroom they use into their websites? According to their recommendation they use chatwing chatroom. I didn't try this yet. Waiting for your advice.


We had always both, Shoutbox and a chat room, but the chat room was used extrem rarely. The shoutbox was much more fun than a muggy chat room. When, then we used ICQ or skype. Of course, it depends on the intension of the site and the value of members. A flirt site needs chatrooms. Why you don't test some plugins on a dummy site first?


Oh, that's might be. But I need chatroom daily. So chatwing chatoom is most important for me and my business.


I see. An advantage is, that you have a nice protocoll function then, but NSA is reading anyway Much luck with your site and business.

Re: I am looking for a message app! Actually I want to set up social chatroom for my website. What will you recommend?

I want to add something for you @alias. I have tried few social chat app for my websites. But out of them chatwing serves me better and perfect. I am very interested to use chatwing social chat app because of it's service availability, low cost, more than 1000+ person can chat at a time, ever hidden message is possible too using chatwing chatroom. So, I personally prefer chatwing most. I think you'll too. If you need more help you can following the link here http://www.chatwing.com


hey guys i will give a quick update about my experience using Chatwing so far.

1. most important, my users are very satisifed with it.

2. it has been working really smooth and feels great to have a cloud chat and not rely on servers and hosting anymore.

3. the Chatwing android and iOS app have been a great way for myself and moderators to keep control of the chat and get alerts when their is new activity.

4. my users also use the chatwing apps so they can stay connected to my website chats

5. the chat has helped increase the number of visitors and also the amount of time they spend on my website.

6. as far as pricing chatwing is by far the best value on the web, i pay $11.20 per month for unlimited usage in my chat, on other chat services they limit usage for say 250 users will cost you $50 per month. Chatwing also has a free version that let's you have unlimited usage too which is really nice just lacks a couple features i wanted like uploading my logo and hiding the chatwing name.

conclusion, give Chatwing a try if your looking for a chat room to put on your website it's perfect.

Use Whatsapp, it is the best app for messaging and now I have heard that they are also going to launch video calling.