
Mobile Notifications

Hi, I just downloaded the new MT4 app on my mobile, because the old version didn't work anymore. My question is: I noticed that the new version of the MT4 app will give a sound with all the notifications including the messages from the 'community utility news'. I don't want that to happen, because I

HELP, can anybody help me with METAQUOTES MT4 problems?

Hi, I know how MT4 works (also how METAQUOTES ID works on a mobile phone - android)...but I have an problem now with my MT4 app on my phone (i downloaded again be sure I have the latest app version). My problems are (2x): 1) I don't get any MQID ID nr from my mobile phone app? Very strange

Programming Push notification in template/indicator

Hi, I have a question: I found a free template/indicator i want to trade with, but in the template there is no option for 'push alerts' zie screenshot Who has got real experience with this issue and wants to help me with - how can I program or edit - a good