Chris Stols
Chris Stols
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Chris Stols
Added topic MQL5 - Insert for the experienced. learning for the newbies :)
#include <Arrays\ArrayObj.mqh> #include <Generic\ArrayList.mqh> #include <Generic\ArrayList.mqh> class DataRateStructure   { public :    string
Chris Stols
Added topic Testing Multiple Symbols Execution fails after a few days.
Hi There; I've written a system on EA that hopefully executes multiple symbols concurrently. I=t works perfectly per individual instrument. just need to find a way to execute it properly on multiple symbols. The error starts at ticket 50+ for 2
Chris Stols
Added topic MarketClosed() Method - how to determine day to trade on.
bool MarketClosed()   {    bool closed= false ;    MqlDateTime STime;    datetime time= TimeCurrent ();    TimeToStruct (time,STime);    datetime date_from, date_to;    bool
Chris Stols
Added topic Account Leverage Question.
//+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Margin Leverage from the broker - for better calculations on big
Chris Stols
Added topic Arrays that holds classes.
Hello Is there a way i can create my own class and reference it through an array ? The class is of non-default data types. (int, float, double, etc.) Why i ask. :-) class DataRateStructure   { public :    double
Chris Stols
Added topic Hi - Calculate PERIOD_M15 ?
Hi There; I have a need to calculate 3 bars in M15 range. the last 3 bars including the current bar to make it comfortable. I do not want to rely on Chart  component as the user will change the M15 to other ranges periodically and it's part of
Chris Stols
Added topic Greetings - oop - multi dimensional array question.
class PositionsForGoldStructure {    // PositionStructure holds the details used to populate per position.    class PositionsStructure    {        public
Chris Stols
Added topic Need help with strategy tester
Hi There; I have attached my Strategy Tester output on my strategy for easier reading. I ran the data for any given period of time but the tester only provides 1 days of results. ANy tips how i can extend the date with output. the parameters is for a
Chris Stols
Added topic Symbol issues.
Hi There; I have the following on my EA /  OnTick() void OnTick ()   { // PositionsTotal() works fine. // Currently have 20 instruments selected in the market. but shows as 0 always :p        for (
Chris Stols
Added topic Multiple Automated Trades.
Greetings, i have a question about running the EA for multiple Financial Instruments simultaneously. I have looked at some examples; and all of them associate a EA to the current selected Instrument for trading. Would it be possible to have 1