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Added topic Purchase update wont add to MT5
Purchases auto update on MT4. Now on MT5 when I have a product update, and i click "Install on Terminal" thecode tries to open a different MT5, rather than use the one thats actually open to install the indicator update. What do I have to do for MQL5
Added topic Can't log into MQL5 from MT4
I use the same credentials as the Web log in but get the message that the username/password is incorrect Help
Added topic remove corrupted profil
One profile seems to have been totally corrupted... How can I remove this? Thank You
Added topic Cannot log in to MQL5 from inside terminal
Using the same credentials as web platform, I continue to get the message incorrect username/ password I have reset the password, and still to log into MQL5 from inside the terminal isn;t working... I use the same for MT4 and am logged in without
Added topic what does 5 Activations actually mean?
I bought an indicator which comes with 5 activations. It says I am already using them all, but I'm confused. If I have 3 pairs open in the one installation of MT4 is that 1 or 3 activations? If I operate with 3 brokers on that one MT4 is that 3
Added topic Alerts order differes between MT4 Mt5
My Mt4 Alerts ads the latest Alert to the Top of the list MT5 seems to sort the opposite way, newest alerts to the bottom.... Just a small thing, but is it possible to get the to sort the SAME way
Added topic Indicator not Updating on MT4
I purchased an indicator and run MT4 on a VPS. I got the system message that the indicator has updated, but I am not being offered the updated version in my VPS instance of MT4. I have swicthed off and back on again, I have refreshed, but to no
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