Variable Loop Syntax

Hi I wonder if somebody could help as I am looking for ways to reduce the length of my code.

I have got 3 variables tick1,tick2 & tick3

if (OrderComment() == "Euro_Level_3" ) 
{   OrderModify (tick1,0,0,OrderOpenPrice()+(PipsToProtect*Point),0,Blue);
    OrderModify (tick2,0,0,OrderOpenPrice()+(PipsToProtect*Point),0,Blue);
    OrderModify (tick3,0,0,OrderOpenPrice()+(PipsToProtect*Point),0,Blue);

Instead of having the 3 OrderModify lines is it possible to put the 3 lines into a for loop, changing tick1,2&3 with a loop. If this is possible can somebody please show me the syntax.
Many Thanks

Put the tickets in an array and step through the array in the loop
Hi Phy

Could you possible show me a little example please?

Many Thanks for your time

Here is what I would do, not really what is described above

string comment = "Euro_Level_3";

for(i = OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--){
   OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
   if(OrderComment() == comment ){
      if(OrderType() == OP_BUY ){
          OrderModify (OrderTicket(), ...........);
      if(OrderType() == OP_SELL ){
          OrderModify (OrderTicket(), ...........);

Hi Phy

Thanks for your continued help, it is most appreciated.
I understand how your example works, but is it possible to put the variables tick1, tick2 & tick3 into an array, to allow me to put the tick variable into a loop to increment it.

Many Thanks again
double myArray[3];
myArray[0] = tick1;
myArray[1] = tick2;
myArray[2] = tick3;
double myArray[3];
myArray[0] = tick1;
myArray[1] = tick2;
myArray[2] = tick3;


Would it not be:

int myArray[3];

as the first parameter in OrderModify(...) requires an integer representing the order ticket number?

Many Thanks for all the help, it has been most appreciated.
