Start MT5 Terminals on Linux ubtunu 22.04.1 VPS automatically after server reboot

Dear Forum members,

i want my MT5 Terminals start automatically after an unexpected server reboot (e.g. after power interruption).

I am using a Linux VPS, with ubuntu 22.04.1.

The MT5 Terminals are added to 'Startup Applications'. They start up fine. !!!BUT!!!: only after i have logged on to the VPS via RDP. Only after that, the startup process is initiated.

How can i have them startup automatically right after a server reboot, without me first needing to log on to the VPS via RDP?

Your help is highly appreciated.

Kind regards,
See this.
Configure Windows to automate logon - Windows Server
Configure Windows to automate logon - Windows Server
  • 2023.02.23
  • Deland-Han
This article describes how to turn on the automatic logon feature in Windows by editing the registry.
Enable or Disable Automatic login in Ubuntu 22.04
We see the login manager or display manager once boot process completes. At the login manager, we are asked to verify ourselves by providing user credentials. Although, we don't recommend but some may choose to disable this feature. They simply don't want to provide username and password for some reason. Similarly, if they change their...
Alain Verleyen #:
See this.

Thank you very much Alain. Yes, it works for windows server, but unfortunately not for linux. Still, thanks a lot. Best wishes to you.


Dear Soewono, thank you very much.

The auto-login is working fine now. Thanks to the link you provide.

But when i log on xrdp remotely i see only a black screen. Because xrdp allows only one session per user. And the local xrdp session is already established by the autologon.

I tried to find a fix. To allow local and remote xrdp session for the same user. But failed.

May i ask, do you know a solution for this issue too?

Best wishes, Tobias


xrdp has its own session and its own window and session manager.

For details please refer to

If you want to share "local session", you probably want to use VNC / TightVNC.

This "hack" might be a solution if you want to try xrdp instead.


By default, xRDP will only allow a single session per user account.  
By default, a same user account cannot be , at the same  time, logged on locally on the Linux machine and remotely.  
If a user tries to remote connect to the machine, a black screen will be presented when remotely connected.  
To overcome this situation, the recommended way would be to logoff from the machine (local session) 
and then perform the remote desktop connection. 
This single connection session is really causing a lot of frustrations and annoyance. 

We had to find a way to perform local and remote connections using the same account when using xRDP.  
After some research, trial and error, we have a finally found some ways and workarounds 
that can be used which will ensure that same user account will be able to get at the same time 
a local connection and a remote connection.  

Use this information at your own risk as we didn’t extensively tested and worked with them.  
We would strongly recommend you to logoff properly from the local session 
before trying to perform remote login connections 

Good luck.

Another interesting setup:

xRDP – Allow multiple sessions (local and remote) for the same user – HowTo
xRDP – Allow multiple sessions (local and remote) for the same user – HowTo
  • 2021.04.18
  • Griffon
In our previous post (xRDP – xRDP shows only black screen after authentication windows – HowTo Fix !), we have explained that a same user cannot at the same time be connected locally on the Ubuntu machine and perform a remote session.  If you try to connect in such scenario, you will end up either viewing a black screen or you will be...
another setup, that might work as you need.
Ubuntu – Enable Screen Sharing Features through RDP on Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu – Enable Screen Sharing Features through RDP on Ubuntu 22.04
  • 2022.07.09
  • Griffon
This post will quickly explain how to use the Screen Sharing Feature that’s available in Ubuntu.  This feature has been around for some time but Ubuntu 22.04 introduce some interesting changes…  Let’s go !  Overview Screen Sharing feature allows a user to remotely access a Linux/Ubuntu desktop.  Remote Desktop capability is usually based on the...
Soewono Effendi #:
another setup, that might work as you need.

Dear Soewono,

thank you ever so much for your kindness and for your efforts.

I tried everything which was advised in the posts. But unfortunately i was not able to succeed to get multiple xrdp sessions (local and remote) for the same user work.

In the end i kept the auto-logon to xrdp which initiates a local session after an event of unexpected server reboot and which was most important for me.

And i log on to this local rdp session remotely with VNC as you advised. It's not as fast and secure as rdp. But at least it works and is good enough.

Again, MANY THANKS to you!!!

Best wishes and warm regards,


Glad to help.