M1 chart missing bars - page 5


How and where to download quotes from at least the year 2000?

I deleted everything and now the tester doesn't work and how can I restore it?

Service/Quotation archive/Upload.

I tried to download, it says it's downloaded and there are more than 4 million records in the database but when I test it says no history or data.... now I don't know what to do, reinstalling didn't help

2012.06.28 13:15:38 TestGenerator: no history data 'EURUSD1'

Dan... this is a sign from above Dan... so you don't get your mind on forex and give up on your dream of free money.... go to work... in a factory... to a machine ....
I've been working at my machine (PC) for a long time now and I'm not racking my brains but trying to figure it out! Thanks for your help!!!
No offence to Alexander, he's a good man, it's just that Fredy's gone (or rather - he's not allowed in) and he's bored :))
Try deleting the whole story altogether and re-downloading it. If that doesn't work - install a normal new terminal.
I've encountered some maker terminals being "broken".
Don't be offended Alexander, he's a good man, it's just that Fredy left (or rather - they won't let him in) and he's bored :))
Try deleting the whole story altogether and uploading it again. If that doesn't work - install a normal new terminal.
I've encountered some maker terminals being "broken".

How do I ask for a new price? I can't find it...

It gives an error 138, like the price is out of date, how can this be corrected?!

or will ((Minute()>=33) && (Minute()<=35))

How do I ask for a new price? I searched around and cannot find it...

It gives error 138, like the price is out of date, how can this be corrected?!
or help ((Minute()>=33) && (Minute()<=35))

Imagine, you go to a shop. You see a price tag on a bottle of vodka, the price tag says 200 roubles. You come to the cash register and are surprised to find that the bottle costs 250 rubles.
What's the problem? The cashier tells you that the price has changed, it took you too long to get to the cash register... What is it? This is cheating. In this case a normal person would refuse to buy.

It's called requotes - a maker's tool. Firstly do not enter at high price speed, and secondly do not work with makers who constantly requotes.
Requotes are a bad sign. You can correct it by re-requesting your order if you get such an error. However, keep an eye on the price difference, it is quite possible that you will be given
a price, which is very unacceptable to you, in which case you should send your broker and his prices to his Japanese mother and not open a deal.

Part of the problem of requotes can be fixed by using pending orders.


of course he got bored :) he was getting close to understanding... how to make a more or less long (more than half a year) stationary curve from non-stationary quotes... he's only two steps away from the grail... and then bam... Bummer... ...and the nicknames are unbanished, but he can't get his cookies cleaned... and keep on brainstorming :-)


Admin, wha...

Alexander... That's an accordion, right on the steamroller!