Looking for real, real drained accounts!


I am interested in all the lost accounts, who is not sorry, put the username and invest password from the account, can be in private.

PS: Or accounts of those who do not get to trade.

As well as accounts recently opened, but not less than 2 months.

ooh, real topic :o)). I've been thinking for a long time about who I should give a demo with 10,000 bucks and not say it's a toy, invest the password and go ahead and trade the other way :o). Sings!
ooh, real topic :o)). I've been thinking for a long time about who I should give this demo with 10,000 bucks and not say it's a toy, invest the password and go ahead and trade the other way :o). Sings!

noooo, i want real accounts specifically.
why do you need our experience? =)
why do you need our experience? =)

gathering statistics))

How much are you interested in?


What is the amount?

Any amount is fine, but not under $10 ), on average I think it will be around $100
Chichikov with a new twist )))
no such small ones )))... just thought it was something serious )))
no such small ones ))))

drop what you've got, the handler will sort it out
Chichikov with a new twist )))

that's not the word ))))