USDCAD, AUDUSD - this way


The Canadian, unlike "super-majors" like Eurobucks or Cable, is not in a clear correction. If you look at the H4, it looks like a diagonal 3-3-3-3-3 up, in which the Canadian is close to (or has already started) the fifth wave. Here's the drawing:

The horizontal lines are my sells. They are not to be taken seriously, it's an M5 job. So far in profit, but I'll cover them quickly on Monday probably.

I invite discussion on this pairing. Of course, there is more to discuss than just the Wave Principle.

P.S. I have nothing good to say about the Aussie yet, we will analyse it.

Congratulations on the branch, well done.

I see it this way.


There was a gap on the Aussie, put it to work....


Yes, fozi, it is possible that this is not a diagonal, and that the sloping support line will break down. Then my sells don't look so strange anymore. There is also an indication that it might break down: the downside momentum on M5, which is going on now, does not look like it is coming to an end.

Well, then we'll have to be patient with the new markup.

2 Tantrik: When did such a gap happen?


Yes, fozi, it is possible that this is not a diagonal, and that the sloping support line will break down. Then my sells don't look so strange anymore. There is also an indication that it might break down: the downside momentum on M5, which is going on now, does not look like it is coming to an end.

Well, then we'll have to be patient with the new markup.

2 Tantrik: When did such a gap happen?

Today. 28pips.

So I'm asking you, Tantrik, where did the data come from?

If you don't want the link here, send it to me, if you don't mind.


Yes, fozi, it is possible that this is not a diagonal, and that the sloping support line will break down. Then my sells don't look so strange anymore. There is also an indication that it might break down: the downside momentum on M5, which is going on now, does not look like it is ending.

Well, then we'll have to be patient with the new markup.

2 Tantrik: When did such a gap happen?

Yeah, a downward trend is more likely.
fozi, the driver of the Canadian is oil. Does it turn out to be set upwards?
fozi, the driver of the Canadian is oil. Does it turn out to be set upwards?
if the driver is like you said ..... it means if oil goes down, then the Canadian goes down after oil? ....... I just look at the oil diaries and see that the price has broken through the support level and cannot go back up ...... by the way i dont remember where ..... but i read the price forecast for this year and it is around 75 dollars
and about the canadian I made my point back in winter ....... the olympics will be over, everyone will go home and the canadian will start to fall ......