Problem with lot


i just start learnig how to coding, and somehow i managed to finish 1 EA.

So i BT and the result is pretty fair, but when i try the EA in demo acc, i get some problem...

here what i get invalid lots amount for OrderSend function, i try to solve the problem by myself by reading some forum posts, but since i beginner, i just can't solve it...

this is the source of the EA, can someone tell me how to fix that....

extern int TakeProfit = 10;
extern int PipStep = 10;
extern int Slippage = 3;
extern double Lots = 0.1;
extern double Multiply = 2.0;
extern int MaxTrade = 11;
extern bool UseTime = TRUE;
extern int HourStart = 00;
extern int HourEnd = 24;

/*-- \---------------------\ --*/
string EAName = "EA MartiDemon"; //Name
string EAComment = "Syguitara"; // Variabel
int EAMagicNumber = 2211; // Magic Number
double SetPoint = 0; // SetPoint variable for 4 /5 dgt broker

int BarCount;
int Current;
bool TickCheck = true;

//| expert initialization function |
int init()



//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()

//| expert start function |
int start()

int iTrade=0;

double Buy1_1 = iOpen(NULL, PERIOD_D1, + 1);
double Buy1_2 = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Current + 1);
double Buy2_1 = iOpen(NULL, PERIOD_H4, Current + 1);
double Buy2_2 = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_H4, Current + 1);
double Buy3_1 = iOpen(NULL, PERIOD_H1, Current + 1);
double Buy3_2 = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_H1, Current + 1);
double Buy4_1 = iOpen(NULL, PERIOD_M30, Current + 1);
double Buy4_2 = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_M30, Current + 1);
double Buy5_1 = iOpen(NULL, PERIOD_M15, Current + 1);
double Buy5_2 = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_M15, Current + 1);
double Buy6_1 = iOpen(NULL, PERIOD_M5, Current + 1);
double Buy6_2 = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_M5, Current + 1);

double Sell1_1 = iOpen(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Current + 1);
double Sell1_2 = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Current + 1);
double Sell2_1 = iOpen(NULL, PERIOD_H4, Current + 1);
double Sell2_2 = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_H4, Current + 1);
double Sell3_1 = iOpen(NULL, PERIOD_H1, Current + 1);
double Sell3_2 = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_H1, Current + 1);
double Sell4_1 = iOpen(NULL, PERIOD_M30, Current + 1);
double Sell4_2 = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_M30, Current + 1);
double Sell5_1 = iOpen(NULL, PERIOD_M15, Current + 1);
double Sell5_2 = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_M15, Current + 1);
double Sell6_1 = iOpen(NULL, PERIOD_M5, Current + 1);
double Sell6_2 = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_M5, Current + 1);

Comment(EAName); // Display

/* -- if no op start function --*/
/* -- op logic --*/

if(Buy1_1 < Buy1_2 && Buy2_1 < Buy2_2 && Buy3_1 < Buy3_2 && Buy4_1 < Buy4_2 && Buy5_1 < Buy5_2 && Buy6_1 < Buy6_2)
/*-- Order Buy --*/
OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, Slippage, 0, Ask+TakeProfit*SetPoint, EAComment, EAMagicNumber);


if (Sell1_1 > Sell1_2 && Sell2_1 > Sell2_2 && Sell3_1 > Sell3_2 && Sell4_1 > Sell4_2 && Sell5_1 > Sell5_2 && Sell6_1 > Sell6_2)
/*-- Order Sell --*/
OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, Slippage, 0, Bid-TakeProfit*SetPoint, EAComment, EAMagicNumber);


/* -- Martidemon, there you go!! --*/


/*--for a picky one--*/
void SetBroker()
if (Digits==3 || Digits==5) // 5
else // 4

void GoMartingale()
int iCount = 0;
double LastOP = 0;
double LastLots = 0;
bool LastIsBuy = FALSE;
int iTotalBuy = 0;
int iTotalSell = 0;
int Spread=0;

Spread= MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD);



if(OrderType()==OP_BUY && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderComment()==EAComment && OrderMagicNumber()==EAMagicNumber)
if(LastOP==0) {LastOP=OrderOpenPrice();}
if(LastOP>OrderOpenPrice()) {LastOP=OrderOpenPrice();}
if(LastLots<OrderLots()) {LastLots=OrderLots();}

/* dont blow your money */
if(iTotalBuy==MaxTrade) {return(0);}

if(OrderType()==OP_SELL && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderComment()==EAComment && OrderMagicNumber()==EAMagicNumber)
if(LastOP==0) {LastOP=OrderOpenPrice();}
if(LastOP<OrderOpenPrice()) {LastOP=OrderOpenPrice();}
if(LastLots<OrderLots()) {LastLots=OrderLots();}

/* stop it */
if(iTotalSell==MaxTrade) {return(0);}


/* downtrend...., bid (*/
OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Multiply*LastLots, Ask, Slippage, 0, Ask+TakeProfit*SetPoint, EAComment, EAMagicNumber);
/* sell...., Ask (*/
else if(!LastIsBuy)
OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Multiply*LastLots, Bid, Slippage, 0, Bid-TakeProfit*SetPoint, EAComment, EAMagicNumber);


/*-- TP function --*/
void ModifyTP()
int iCount=0;
double NewTP=0;

/*- Take TP from last value -*/


/*-- all buy, make one tp --*/
if(OrderType()==OP_BUY && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderComment()==EAComment && OrderMagicNumber()==EAMagicNumber)
if(NewTP==0) {NewTP=OrderTakeProfit();}
if(NewTP>OrderTakeProfit()) {NewTP=OrderTakeProfit();}


/*-- all sell, make one tp --*/
if(OrderType()==OP_SELL && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderComment()==EAComment && OrderMagicNumber()==EAMagicNumber)
if(NewTP==0) {NewTP=OrderTakeProfit();}
if(NewTP<OrderTakeProfit()) {NewTP=OrderTakeProfit();}


/*- change all op to the new tp -*/


/*- lalalalalala -*/
if(OrderType()==OP_BUY && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderComment()==EAComment && OrderMagicNumber()==EAMagicNumber)
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), 0, NewTP, 0);

/*- lulululululu -*/
if(OrderType()==OP_SELL && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderComment()==EAComment && OrderMagicNumber()==EAMagicNumber)
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), 0, NewTP, 0);


i do my best to solve it but my 'best' is not good enogh i think.....


i just start learnig how to coding, and somehow i managed to finish 1 EA.

So i BT and the result is pretty fair, but when i try the EA in demo acc, i get some problem...

here what i get invalid lots amount for OrderSend function, i try to solve the problem by myself by reading some forum posts, but since i beginner, i just can't solve it...

this is the source of the EA, can someone tell me how to fix that....

i do my best to solve it but my 'best' is not good enogh i think.....

Hi syguitara,

1. When posting code, use SRC button is better than using code text field

2. Your lot calculation should follow the rules of MarketInfo() function - click that, and they are :

MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT );
MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);

Can you rewrite your code now ? just the lot calculation, we'll help you correct it.


Hi syguitara,

1. When posting code, use SRC button is better than using code text field

2. Your lot calculation should follow the rules of MarketInfo() function - click that, and they are :

Can you rewrite your code now ? just the lot calculation, we'll help you correct it.

thank you before for the guide for SCR button, n for the the code, of course i will do it, i'll be back soon after i rewrite the code...
once again im very greatful that some willing to help me....

can you tell me more spesific about rewrite the lot calculation, im at lost here...

and one more thing, i just noticed that the problem occur when i attach the EA to multiple charts, since with only 1 chart, the EA work normally...


can you tell me more spesific about rewrite the lot calculation, im at lost here...

and one more thing, i just noticed that the problem occur when i attach the EA to multiple charts, since with only 1 chart, the EA work normally...

hi syguitara,

Lot is MODE_MINLOT and how many MODE_STEPLOT as long as not bigger that MODE_MAXLOT.

Can you write the code ? it's only 11 lines :)

the first 5 are ... :D

  double min_lot, step_lot, max_lot;
  int step;
  min_lot  = MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
  step_lot = MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
  max_lot  = MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);

I don't know the answer why the EA does not work on multiple chart, so let's solve the lot first.


Hi syguitara,

I think this


is the main cause why your EA does not work on multiple chart/symbol.

Just imagine what happen when you attach the first EA,then imagine again what happen when you attach the second, and the third, and so on.


hi one....

the next 6 lines....?

to be honest i just want to write 6 lines of i dont know, but i'll try

    lots = MathRound(lots/ls) * ls;
    if (lots < minLot) lots = 0;    // or minLot
    if (lots > minLot) lots = step_lot;    

well, just think im tryin to joking here....


so what are you suggest me for that problem?


Hi syguitara,

Alright, your next 6 lines may be different than mine. Here's my next 6 lines

double CHECK_LOT (double lot)
  double min_lot, step_lot, max_lot;
  int step;
  min_lot  = MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
  step_lot = MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
  max_lot  = MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);
  if (lot < min_lot) return(0);
  lot   = lot - min_lot;
  step  = lot/step_lot;
  lot   = min_lot + step*step_lot;
  if (lot > max_lot) lot = max_lot;
  return (lot);

Compiled, but not checked.

As for the problem of OrdersTotal() == 0, you have to check the magic number.

i see, it's true that i've been playing with that magic number yesterday,...
thanks a lot, i'll fix the problem now...