Backtest Error


I am trying to the strategy tester but getting this error. "No data for testing"! This is a screenshot of the settings.

What's the issue?

If you start at midnight 2011.11.07 and end at midnight 2011.11.07 how long is your test ? let me give you a clue . . it's a very short time period . . .
i think it's not possible to test only 1 day
i think it's not possible to test only 1 day
Yes it is . . . but not by starting and stopping at the same time.
Yes it is . . . but not by starting and stopping at the same time.
how, there is a way to specify time ?
how, there is a way to specify time ?
There isn't . . but if the same date is used for the start and finish dates the ST will start and stop at the same time . . .
& that's what I wrote
i think it's not possible to test only 1 day
& that's what I wrote

Yes . . but you are wrong. It is possible to test 1 day.

Raptor, thank you for the tip :)

gjol, if you want to test only 1 day, select the the day and its next day, e.g 7/11 to 8/11.


When performing a backtest on the data which is already downloaded by MT4 through live stream, do we get the most accurate test results?

I know that in order to get 90% modelling quality, there is a procedure of downloading data and copying it to a certain forlder ... etc, but I noticed that when I keep MT4 running with open charts and then perform a backtest on a symbol of one of these open charts and on the period of time that the chart was open, I get n/a as the modelling quality, although the data has been dowloaded live. What do you guys think of the credibility of such a backtest in comparison with that procedure? Do we need to go through that procedure and abandon the data which we get from live stream?



What do you guys think of the credibility of such a backtest in comparison with that procedure?

It will depend on the quality of your data . . as always. If you don't know the quality of that data then you are testing with an unknown quantity . . .