HAMA PAD - 一个简单的交易方法 - 页 142

一位记者曾经问过爱因斯坦,在他看来,人类最惊人的发现是什么。知道他的回答是什么吗?不知道?是 "复利",复利





F.F.L. (akademikjeanius)





这应该能让你从周末的 "点点滴滴 "的忧郁中得到一些缓解。 微笑!



Kane Trading on:
Jim's 10 Favorite

'I want to blow up my account'

Trader Tricks

The following is meant to be satirical, done in a fun format, hopefully to better get my point across. Given my mathematical background, I decided to do this in an If/Then format.

If: You are trading without a fully comprehensive 'Trading Plan',

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

Note: All of the following tricks would actually be covered under a comprehensive 'Trading Plan', so you really only need the first one.

If: You deviate from your 'Trading Plan',

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: Trade without a stop in place,

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You over leverage your account with these ridiculously low margins they offer, or risk more than a small fraction of your account (I prefer a 1% theoretical) on a given trade, or put too much into a single position (even if it is still below your theoretical risk per trade), or into multiple correlated positions,

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You trade without 'context' from at least two higher timeframes from your setup timeframe (the 'traded timeframe'),

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You put more than 10%-20% maximum into the setup part of your 'Trading Plan',

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You think you are ready to be a professional trader with less time, effort, money, and resources than it takes to be a doctor, commercial airline pilot, professional athlete, architect, or similar professional,

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You think you can start a trading business grossly undercapitalized (or any business for that matter),

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You keep trading when you are sick, tired, have a headache, just had a fight with your husband or wife, have a family crisis, are depressed, or are going through any serious event in your life, and so on,

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

If: You think this is an easy game, a way to make millions in your pajamas, that all that junk you see on infomercials is 'real', as well as all that stuff you get in the mail and at just about all those 'we'll teach you to trade in a weekend' seminars, and that you can make a living on a few thousand dollars trading part time in a highly leveraged market like futures or FOREX,

Then: You might as well take all of the money from your account, bring it out to the back yard, douse it with lighter fluid, light it up, break out the marshmallows and weenies, and make better use of your money.

Disclaimer: This is meant to be satirical, for fun. I hope everyone took it that way. No one should ever light anything up in their back yard with lighter fluid. Do not try this at home, no matter how many of the above you are guilty of!


Forex for Life已经给我打了电话,我们仍然不明白为什么这没有用。他明天在他的电脑前时将与我联系,我们将再次尝试。感谢所有做出贡献的人。德拉吉


说得好,El cid。有一点要纠正。有太多的人在敲打好的想法了。德拉吉








很抱歉给你添麻烦了。我已经离开了一个星期,现在是我第一次可以查看 我的电子邮件。到目前为止,我还没有收到H1或H2。







我很高兴你已经看到了搜索和阅读的作用。 我应该在本周末的某个时候给你发一封邮件。 我看到你也在交易股票和期权。 所以,你也会喜欢我下一篇关于苹果的文章,顺便说一下,上周在OptionXpress中也交易了看涨期权。



非常好,我期待着它。 享受你的周末休息吧,伙计们。

格拉姆斯基,你是认真的吗? 如果你是认真的,请为我申请永久签证到奥兹国。 我也会每周去打扫你的房子和汽车。

顺便问一下,你们那里有社会化的或政府支付的医疗保健吗? 我刚刚看完《西科》,真的非常、非常、恶心。 另外,为了工作利益,你能为我提供一个高速宽带接入,请提供双重服务以备不时之需。 哦,一个交易室的空间,(车库,阁楼,或地下室都可以。 我会带上我所有的电脑设备,这样你就不用担心了。




呃,是的,我是....,可以开始我们的第一个对冲基金! 不过我喜欢你的幽默和坦率。...

是的,燃烧 "两端,以保持创造性的烛光......






Forex_For_life:你的房间?纠正一下,我在E.J.的线程和El Cid的线程上发了这个帖子。




然后你说你在EJ的房间里或向El Cid介绍了它。如果你把它介绍给他们,我怎么可能抨击它 ????....


对于你指责我抨击你,我在这里用事实 为自己辩护,而不是用谎言或个人假设。你唯一能做的就是攻击和人身攻击。我不会把自己降低到你的水平。

