Marius Lombaard
Marius Lombaard
Friends 2
Marius Lombaard
Added topic EA's that pass out-of-sample testing methodologies
Hi all, I was wondering how many of the community members have EA's that actually deliver results on out-of-sample data, and the follow up is whether they produce consistent results on live data? I'm presupposing that such EA's would not implement
Marius Lombaard
Added topic Strategy Optimizer - Optimizing for other variables of interest
hi, i'm interested in optimizing EA's for accuracy rather profitability - particularly I want to optimize for higher % successful trades vs losing trades as shown in the strategy testers report (% of longs and shorts won) My reason is that I'm
Marius Lombaard
Added topic Where to get reliable 1-minute history data for 2 years or more
Hi community, Brokers don't seem to offer much history on the 1-minute charts, and downloading via MT4 history centre didn't get me much more. Wondering what sources everyone uses for 1-minute chart history data? Would like to try out some free
Marius Lombaard
Added topic Why do my new topics get deleted?
Hi, I recently tried to start a thread about EA testing. When it disappeared I thought it might have been my browser. I posted again, but it got deleted again. Really confused. I'm not aware of violating any rules. Am I being moderated
Marius Lombaard
Added topic Which EA Builder Tool Is Best?
Hi, I've stumbled upon <link removed> and <link removed>. I suspect there are even more EA building tools out there. Which is best? Give your view here of which EA builder you prefer and why. I'll start - Between the two I checked
Marius Lombaard
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