
Trading by experts is prohibited

I receive that error in the Journal tab. I know what it means, but I wonder how a broker knows the trades come from an expert advisor and not tried to be opened manually? Is a special tag attached to such order? Can this be bypassed anyhow

Invalid stops - why?

I wonder what is wrong here. The difference between tp/sl and Bid/Ask are more than Stop Level. Bid/tp = 11, Ask/sl = 7. Anyone know what could be the reason

Does StrToDouble() return only 4 digits?

When I try to convert string "1.12345" to a double I receive 1.1235 as a result (only 4 digits after point and the number is rounded). Is it possible to convert the string to a double without truncating and rounding like this: double Price = StrToDouble("1.12345"); // Price = 1.12345 instead of

I will turn good scalping system into EA for free

Anyone manually trading scalping successfully and tired of spending hours in front of computer screen? Let me know, I will turn it into EA. No matter how complicated it is. One important note: it has to have rules. I am not able to code a discretionary system in which decisions are based on

ErrorDescription not much help

Everytime I use ErrorDescription function like here below I receive "Error: ERR_NO no error" message. Instead of error description I get stupid "no error" text. No matter what error number is, always the same "no error" text. What am I doing wrong? Anyone could help? Print ( " Error : "