Mostafa Ahmed
Mostafa Ahmed
  • Information
10+ years
demo versions
Fund manager at FX Market
Nothing special, just someone lives on somewhere on earth planet but when you get closer to me definitely you will know more about me
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Mostafa Ahmed
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Mostafa Ahmed
Added topic Trading by experts is prohibited
I receive that error in the Journal tab. I know what it means, but I wonder how a broker knows the trades come from an expert advisor and not tried to be opened manually? Is a special tag attached to such order? Can this be bypassed anyhow
Mostafa Ahmed
Added topic Invalid stops - why?
I wonder what is wrong here. The difference between tp/sl and Bid/Ask are more than Stop Level. Bid/tp = 11, Ask/sl = 7. Anyone know what could be the reason
Mostafa Ahmed
Added topic Does StrToDouble() return only 4 digits?
When I try to convert string "1.12345" to a double I receive 1.1235 as a result (only 4 digits after point and the number is rounded). Is it possible to convert the string to a double without truncating and rounding like this: double Price
Mostafa Ahmed
Added topic I will turn good scalping system into EA for free
Anyone manually trading scalping successfully and tired of spending hours in front of computer screen? Let me know, I will turn it into EA. No matter how complicated it is. One important note: it has to have rules. I am not able to code a
Mostafa Ahmed
Added topic ErrorDescription not much help
Everytime I use ErrorDescription function like here below I receive "Error: ERR_NO no error" message. Instead of error description I get stupid "no error" text. No matter what error number is, always the same "no error"