
save a csv-webfile in the "file"-folder of MT4

Hallo, someone has ever from an EA save a csv web-file (for example: in the folder "Files" and can possibly post a code example here? Thanks! Steffen

The day before dayhigh und low

Hallo, since weeks I have a problem with the correctly calculation of the day before dayhigh und low directly after (the first! tick) change of day. Previously, this worked: if (oldday != StringToTime(TimeToString(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE)) { //directly the first tick after change of day dayhigh

Convert mq4 to mq5

Is there a functioning program to convert a mq4-EA to mq5-EA? Thanks! traderdoc

Transfer of EA-Information to a certain cell of excel

Is it possible to transfer a value from EA to a certain cell of excellence?, e.g. the Bid to cell A4, Ask to cell C9. traderdoc

Execute an exe-file from MQL

Hallo, Is there a safety method to execute an exe-file from an EA? traderdoc


Anybody here with the latest experiences with the new version of mt4gui? I wonder why the tool is free , if the scope of the application is so great . The menus can be integrated into the MT4 menu. I.e. it must be used to access the code of MT4. is paid by Metaquotes ? What information does

Synthetic tick

I look for code in a DLL which produce a regularly synthetic tick. Thanks traderdoc

DLL code sample

Hallo, i look for a very simple example of a dll-code. I need only the basic structure of a dll . In use of my dll, i get always the message: "cannot call function "PlusZwei" from dll 'Test1.dll' ( error 127 )". // Test1.cpp : Definiert die exportierten Funktionen für die DLL-Anwendung. #include

Synthetic tick

How can I create a synthetic tick for processing between the regulary tick from data feeds of the broker? I want to trigger the function start() even if no tick is present! What is the solution? Thanks

Import of numbers from a ftp-server

Hallo, I have a challenge. I need a solution for the import of few numbers generating about an extern program which works on a ftp-server. How can I read in this numbers in my ea? Many thanks