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Added topic Select Deal (by ticket) in MQL5
Is it possible to select a deal by ticket in MQL5 using CDeal?  Documentation: Ticket (Get method) Gets the deal ticket. ulong   Ticket ()  const   Return Value Deal ticket. Ticket (Set method) Select the position for further
Added topic Plots vs. Buffers
It may seem like a silly question but I haven't actually seen any explanation of this anywhere - what is the difference between an indicator plot and an indicator buffer in MQL5
Added topic Low Quality Broker Data on MT5
There are dozens of topics on this forum related to MT5 native historical data vs MT4 external imported data, but I think that this issue is a bit more specific to longer term backtesting and therefore warrants it's own thread; If you develop
Added topic Can Identical Settings Provide Different Backtesting Results?
Assuming that the backtesting is done at a fixed spread, from date X to date Y, with tick data, and that the platform is not connected to the internet from the start to the end of the tests (to avoid the quote currency exchange rate differential at
Added topic Open Prices Only Effect on Active SL & TP
There have been similar topics discussed on here but I haven't seen one where this specific question has been fully answered. When using the open prices only method in the strategy tester , if a stop loss and take profit were set on the previous bar
Added topic P/L Appears To Be Incorrect
This trade incurred a loss of 1 pip on a 1 lot. The loss should therefore equal -10.00 (the spread) , however the loss appears as -7.56 in Account History. There are no commission, tax or swap charges on the trade, so how is it possible for the loss
Added topic Must every individual object on the chart have its own unique name?
I want my EA to print arrows on the chart to indicate where a trade was opened/closed. Is there anyway that we can draw multiple of the same object at different points in the chart? For example I might want to create an arrow on the current bar
Added topic Adding Stop Loss to Open Trade
If a trade has been opened without a stop loss , but later on the necessity to add a stop to the open trade arises, what is the best way to deal with this situation? Is it to use OrderModify: OrderModify (Ticket,Open_Price,Stop_Loss, 0 , 0 , clrNONE
Added topic Cannot Alter Properties of Custom Indicator
I am trying to display two versions of a custom indicator (with differing lookback periods),  on the same chart, but when I try to change the indicator width or line style in the indicator properties box, it just disapears off of the chart after
Added topic Passing Parameters to a User-Defined Function
When we pass parameters into a user-defined function , we change the name of the variables being passed, but the values that the variable holds are obviously retained in the function. Why do we change the name of the variables when inside the UDF
Added topic Where is the Best Place to Have Code Critiqued?
I have written a few basic programs which work but are no doubt far from as efficient as they could be. I would like someone who has been around for a bit longer than I to critique and suggest possible improvements. Is there anywhere on this site
Added topic Adding an Additional Element to Array to Avoid 'Out of Range' Error
double DR[ 260 ]; for (j= 1 ; j<= 259 ; j++)    {    DR[j]= Close [j]- Open [j];    Sum=Sum+DR[j];    Count++;    } In the above code, to the best of my knowledge, the loop should run for 259
Added topic Why is there so much stress and anger in this forum?
This forum is a fantastic resource for programmers of all levels, from beginners looking to plug the gaps in their understanding to the adept who may still require help themselves from time to time.  Unfortunately, there seems to be a lingering
Added topic Cannot Declare Array
double Limit= Bars - 1 ; double DR [ Limit]; for (i= Bars - 1 ; i>= 0 ; i--)    {    DR[i]= Close [i]- Open [i]; // daily return    Alert ( "Daily return of bar " , i, " = " ,DR[i]);    } The above returns
Added topic Is It Possible To Temporarily Stop Printing an Indicator Line?
I want to design a custom indicator which prints two lines, one which trails below price in an uptrend and another which trails above price in an downtrend. The closest thing I have seen to this is like an ATR Stop indicator as pictured below. Is it
Added topic What Constitutes a 'Change' in the IndicatorCounted Function?
"The function returns the amount of bars not changed after the indicator had been launched last." What constitutes a 'change'? Can the fact of the bar closing be considered a 'change' - the bar was open, now it is closed... the bar was index 0, the
Added topic Failing to Understand IndicatorCounted
This code is taken directly from the manual/tutorial in the Custom Indicators section - https://book.mql4.com/samples/icustom I cannot seem to understand how it is that 'IndicatorCounted' (Counted_bars)  can equal anything other than
Added topic How To Un-Shrink Toolbar?
I have somehow managed to shrink the toolbar to just the left side of the page... how do I correct this so that the toolbar fills all the way across the terminal landscape wise
Added topic Why is the 'return' operator not necessary in this user-defined function?
Function call: Fun_New_Bar(); User defined function: //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void
Added topic Why Does This Code Work?
'New_Experts' obtains its value from 'Quantity', which obtains its value from 'Experts'... So how can 'New_Experts' and 'Experts' ever have a different value, therefore allowing the condition ' if (Experts!=New_Experts) ' to return true