
Market phenomena

I have decided to organize such a branch, I hope colleagues will support it (from those who are not very greedy for knowledge :o), and will also put some observations, curious "phenomena", properties of quoting process proved strictly and not so strictly, or proved purely in character. I hope, the

Strategic foresight systems

Purpose of the branch Decided to check out one idea of a "strategic" maChtab trading the other day and above. In a way - it really is "strategic forecasting", and requires a slightly different approach, both mathematically and psychologically. You can take your time (like real strategists) to

That's interesting

Colleagues, I found what I think is a very interesting material. The author is Simon E. Shnol (March 21, 1930, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian biophysicist, historian of Soviet and Russian science. Professor at the Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, former head of

Subsystem "Asset Management"

The problem, which I propose to talk about, has been discussed repeatedly at this forum, in its various manifestations, and various approaches to its solution have been proposed. I return to it again, but already adding certain specifics. Terminology conventions Before explaining the situation and