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Added topic Obtaining tester optimisation data in text format
Hi, Can anyone advise me on the best way to output the deal info/equity curve data for each run in the optimisation? I’m running MT5 using the cmd line with a custom config. That all works fine but from what I can see it only saves an xml file which
Added topic MT5 login issue
Hi everyone. I'm having trouble logging into MT5. Everything was running correctly and I tried to run MT5 from the command line and with a custom tester config file (see below). Now there are no quotes in the marketwatch window and there appears to
Added topic Running MT5 backtest from Python application and then reading results
Hi everyone, I’d like to be able to run the MT5 backtester from a python application and conduct a walk forward analysis.  I think it is possible to launch and run an optimisation using the command line Feature in MT5 but I’d like to be able to
Added topic Integration with Python
Hi everyone, Before I go off down a blind alley can anyone give me any guidance on how best to control MT5 strategy tester from python then get the optimisation results back into python. I see you can run MT5 using the command line which will work
Added topic Obtaining EA Tester settings parameter info in MQL5
Hi everyone. I'm trying to obtain the value of the "modelling" field in the strategy tester settings form shown below: Does anyone know if this is possible and easy in MQl5. I can't find any way to do it. Many thanks, E
Added topic MQL5 strategy tester with Open Prices
Hi everyone, I’m trying to replicate my live trading in the strategy tester . The live trades are taken when the previous bar is completed (i.e when a new bar is formed). I simply check the last bar time at each new tick event to see whether a new
Added topic Reading .txt file gives strange characters. Any ideas?
***UPDATE - SOLVED I should have done some more digging. I had to specify FILE_ANSI as a file open paramter. described here...... error when reading file.txt!! why print a txt in Japanese? Hi everyone, I'm trying to read some numbers from a .txt file
Added topic ObjectCreate issue
Hi, I have some code that removes all hlines from a chart then creates new lines. There seems to be an issue wherby after I've used ObjectsDeleteAll() and then create a hline object the function returns true but no line is created. If i remove the
Added topic Closing part of a position
Hi everyone, I have a question which has come from recently not being able to place market orders with my broker to the insane volatility. I was unable to place market executions to open or to close trades, however if I placed a pending open order it
Added topic Using Raspberry Pi as VPS for MT4
Hi, I'd like to use a RPi or something similar (cheap and low power) to run Metatrader 4 trading software. The device and software will be running 24/7 - 365, hence why I'm looking for something low power. So far so good.....However, Metatrader 4
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