What, again?


All statistics - ratings, reviews, downloads, purchases - are gone

The only thing left is a discussion of products. Everything else is like a cow with its tongue

Yes, there is such a thing.


How frustrating it must be for top authors to lose a couple of thousand reviews

The only thing left is product discussions. Everything else is like a cow with its tongue

Has the rating been affected?

Vladimir Karputov:

Has the rating been affected?

Not yet, I think.

Vladimir Karputov:

Has the rating been affected?

I don't think so, but the rating is not updated immediately, so we'll see.


UPD: the achievements show everything as it should be, both in terms of jumps and sales. there is hope that it's just a database crash due to a market update and everything will go back to the way it was

There's some mess with friends there too....
Product rating has not yet been affected, but a recent change (a couple of days ago) has. Either the ranking system has been changed drastically, or they've just reset everything to zero. Almost all new products are at the top.

Friends, really, this is not good.

People have been working for many years and everything has been wiped out - both the reviews and the stars. The problem with the stars has long been observed, and attempts have been made to draw attention to it, for example here. No response has been forthcoming.

There is no longer any hope of technical errors happening here. It looks like deliberate sabotage. How to bring this to the attention of management - don't know. Maybe the moderators can help?

Vladimir Karputov:

Has the rating been affected?

It's probably already been affected.