Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 474


and this is just the beginning.

let us know when the end comes - how it ended, who gave what to whom, it's important

Aleksandr Volotko:

How much money was raised on this?

there is no money to go to the factory


there's no money, we have to go to the factory

Priva :) stop publicising your factory :)

I want to ask you some questions about your portfolio... not here, but there :) - on fxsystems... see you in a few minutes... I'll formulate some...


Priva :) stop PRing your plant :)

I have a couple of questions about your portfolio... not here, but there :) - on fxsystems... see you in a few minutes... I'll formulate some...

Hey there, you answered!

Graalevods are aware that the poundaud is in an "interesting position"?)))

i did not cheat on gbpaud this time)))

i still think forex is rubbish! you can't make any money trading! it's better to go to a factory!


i did not cheat on gbpaud this time)))

but still forex is rubbish! you can't make any money trading! it's easier to go to a factory!

Thanks to czar boris the major pound crosses have already entered the right zone, poundaud was just the first and most promising, now we can already look at others in passing, especially the poundbucks, not forgetting that brexit is pretty soon))))

ZS. although the volatility of the pound is of course yummy)))
Guys, maybe someone is on the subject of changing the signs of increment moduli, as@used wrote on page 69, he is also as I understand most likely Necolla. I do not claim, in general, not the point.
I have calculated a variant of the length of the series 3 where the variants of series can be 8. That is, I gave each series an index from 1 to 8. I also went through all the possible permutations of these 8 indices! = 40320
I ran them all by results of strategy trades, of course the number of sign changes (or 0) of the increment modules after ++ or --, is higher than non-sign changes by about 85-90%. But 45% of the sign change is achieved due to the fact that the sign can cause any fallout series from 1 to 8 no matter how they shuffle, and they all lead to a change of sign, then 30% is achieved by falling out of a series of 7 indexes, which can lead to a change of sign, but then the fallout of these 7 percent. And so on, in short in an interesting variant 2dvukh or 3 treh series which would lead to the sign change, on them accounts 5-10 % from total changes of signs, but the saddest that when there is a smaller number of variants for change of a sign most likely these series will not drop out!!! For the 2 variant series this percentage out of 40000 variants is about 20% that will fall out 80% that will not fall out. For the 3 variant series it is already just over 30% vs 70%. I took the results of different strategies, both losing and profitable, as well as dangling near 0. The result is one and the same plus or minus 5%.
I also tried series of 4 wins with different variations. But the distribution is a bit more complicated, for example when variants lead to a change of sign 6 out of 16 possible, then count of times leading to a change of series of 1 million (I took only 1 million = 16 variants of series permutations! Factorial is a very big number =)) more than no change of about 75% vs 25% as a result we have 10 options fall away, there are 6. What can we do next here? Well probably to look what these series let's say 1111, 1011, 0011, 0111, 0000, 0001 and wait what will fall first, if a roll of 1 then the series with the first zero go, and remain only 1111, 1011 that is, at least two 1 we have in the series (in short, too great scope for research)
But in general the distribution is the same as for the length of the series of 3, the more options for changing the sign, the more often they fall out and the percentage of these falls out more, the less these options, the less often they appear, but also much more often they do not fall out than they fall out.
I also made all sorts of filters to select only those variants of index permutations that would more often show a sign change for 2 variants of the series. Yes the total number of falls out now of these two variants was more than not falling out about 75% vs 25%. But if you increase the length of the sample. this percentage tends to 50% by 50% and the number of permutations falling into this sample decreases.
In short, if anyone has dug in this direction and can suggest where to dig next, I would be grateful.

I was sure that in principle, and confirmed that bids are made on the vast majority of numbers of all possible (sign change almost all the numbers), such as roulette will bet on 36 numbers and zero and then count how many times the ball hit in this range :)))
Dopisil file to bet only if the number of numbers less than or equal to 50% (the range can be set) of all possible. Entries, of course, became much smaller.

The result is that when betting on less than half the numbers in a set, you lose, which is to be expected. And the smaller the range of numbers, the lower the probability of hitting it.

Although I read it more carefully, the man came to the same conclusion as I did. Then he started ranting about the kosher nature of the man, saying that no one would invest anything worthwhile for nothing. Oh well, but at least he checked himself =).
It was intriguing at first.

I think I'll write some more. Don't think of it as flooding. I have applied a filter of 40000 series permutations, i.e. their indices from 1 to 8. And the filter is primitive - if the number of falls out series indexes that would lead to a change of sign difference of increments modules after two identical characters more than say 30% than no fallout then such a permutation option leave. As a result we have the number of falling out of at least 2 numbers out of 8 leading to a change of sign is 80% higher, if no filter then on the contrary the number of not falling out is 50% higher than falling out of these two variants. If I increase the sample size this percentage decreases, too bad! I increased sample 10 times, i.e. I ran the strategy for 10 years before I took 1 year, this percentage was only 50% towards the fall-out. It would be logical to suppose that if I add another 10 years there will be 25%. But we can still skip one more move and make sure that the series corresponding to our 2 indexes will fall out, it will probably shift the probability more in our direction.

Maybe someone will find it useful for clarity in thefirst file shows the distribution of dropdowns of the number of series in three "throws" from 1 to 8 which led to a change of sign or 0 for one possible series, 2, 3 to 8. There are 40230 such permutations in total.

Second file series length 4, number of series permutations 500,000. The anomalous distribution is highlighted in red, unlike the series of 3.

By no means do I want to say that the author who posted this file at the beginning of the branch was misleading, further he wrote that it is only an example that you should use this particular property of SB, but how and in what way you should think for yourself.
