The Sultonov Regression Model (SRM) - claiming to be a mathematical model of the market. - page 39

Conspiracy to commit a thought crime! Please note for the record!

Sync by honeybunny

Two to six week bans


Dima, I congratulate you. You have taken it to the next level, no longer being a 'professional trader'.

The merits of the Sultonov model can and should include optimality in a broad sense to the number of degrees of freedom. the number of model parameters is fixed without loss of accuracy.

who argues? do polynomials have it?


"Don't wisecrack, you arrogant sanctuary!"

Polynomians, as in Greece, have everything. :) And Excel has polynomials, and a lot of them, because its calculation part was composed on the basis of the reference book named after A.T. Abramowitz and Stegan. And Y.S. has Excel, and it has (18). Ergo, Y.S. has everything, including Greece. Q.E.D.

Consequence: Y.S. is an ancient Greek.


"Don't wisecrack, arrogant sanctimonious!"

Polynomials, as in Greece, have everything. :) And Excel has polynomials, and a lot of them, because its calculation part was composed on the basis of the reference book named after A.T. Abramovitz and Stegan. And Y.S. has Excel, and it has (18). Ergo, Y.S. has everything, including Greece. Q.E.D.

Consequence: Y.S. is an ancient Greek.

I don't like the prefix "phon"... the passport office said.

And I'm not the Hodja or the Sultan.

Why? - It's already a party, isn't it?


Just wanted to point out that as the degree of a polynomial increases, the degrees of freedom decrease...

which is no good. And with Fourier, it's twice as bad.

Just deleted. I got fed up with some of them.

Just or not just doesn't matter, as long as you delete them, it's the right thing to do.
Such words get a snotty beating in Orthodox society, stoning in Muslim society - you're in luck.

My advice is to remove the post while you can and then look inside yourself, because it's a desert with jackals running around and shitting wherever they can.

Save it for the ancestors.

My advice is to remove the post while you can and then look inside yourself, because it's a desert with jackals running around and shitting wherever they can.

I wonder what jackals do when they fail to shit.

Yusuf, please explain as if you were explaining to a schoolboy (to make it clear) how to use, what the lines are, why, what they show, etc....

Now you yourself will tell, putting your hand on your heart, whether or not the forecast of the further course of events, executed and given by you on 10.07. 12. at 19.14 in absolutely not obvious situation was fully confirmed?

gpwr 12.07.2012 15:22

Ага, это я, разочарованный прогнозист-экстраполятор. Если намекаете что у вас есть зарабатывающая регрессионная модель, то самым лучшим способом доказательства своей правоты является стейт с реала или хотя бы демо. Он у вас есть? Показывайте! А то тут много теоретиков развелось. Рассуждаем о првильности ПМС (18), а в доказательство приводим как она правильно была выведена (флинт с ушами, вы сказали) вместо демонстрации сколько депозитов она удвоила.


A big misconception of many forecasters is to replace price with some model that is theoretically simpler and more predictive, and to use these model predictions to predict price even if that model has nothing to do with the price itself. Examples of such models are Yusuf's regression formula (18), trigonometric series (Fourier), polynomials, ARMA stationary series (no outliers). Once we have called price a "time series" or a "controlled process", we have entered the dead-end road of scientific price analysis, requiring some kind of theoretical justification and model for it.
Look at the forecast from here, made not by me, and this from 10.07. to 11.07., assessing the degree of consistency with the subsequent facts, re-read your posts.