The Sultonov Regression Model (SRM) - claiming to be a mathematical model of the market. - page 36


Delightful. One hunts himself for more than a year to play shell game in public in three threads, including one giant one, the other does not understand mechmatyan jokes, the rest just have fun. Keep up the good work, Afftar. :)

so what about regressions?

You do it, too!


It's a manifestation of Gödel's theorem ;))))

Bah, long time no see! Hi!

It's about time we had a branch. Yusuf has no competition at all, he's a monopolist.


It's about time we had a branch of some kind.

Maybe about the ROC?
Maybe about the ROC?
What is the ROC?

Bah, long time no see! Hi!

It's about time we had a branch. Yusuf's got no competition at all, he's a monopoly.

I'm fine with competition ;)))))))))))

What is the ROC?
Gundyaev's sect of the magician.
Gundyaev's sect of the magician.
You are lucky to get a snotty beating in Orthodox society and stoning in Muslim society for saying that.
Maybe about ROC?

don't learn bad things from the forum... )

If you're already doing it, it's not the trivial stuff.

For example, in continuation of Hearst's indicator theme, "how to create and use a fast indicator to calculate a fractal dimension with a given return parameter\sensitivity and estimate its decay?".


Such words get a snotty beating in Orthodox society, stoning in Muslim society - you're in luck.

don't learn bad things from the forum... )

If you're already doing it, it's not the trivial stuff.

For example, in continuation of Hearst's indicator theme, "how to create and use a fast indicator to calculate the fractal dimension with a given return parameter\sensitivity and estimate its decay?".


It's all there. The process is called long memory. The ARFIMA model - I would translate as autoregressive and moving average model with fractional integration. R has the appropriate software support.