Free lectures from Stanford University


If you have a good command of English and a desire to improve your skills in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

AI --

IO --

AI lectures include data mining if anything. Really don't know at what level. MO is more into neural networks


If you have a good command of English and a desire to improve your skills in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

AI --

MO --

The AI lectures have date mining if anything. Not sure at what level, though. MoD is more into neural networks.

Thank you! I'll study at my leisure.

I am, by the way, a graduate of Stanford University's distance learning program in international politics. Oh man, I'm so screwed. Their understanding of international politics, though, is a mixture of Ura Democracy with an acknowledgement of the inability of the bureaucracy to manage the peacemaking process (Tootsie genocide and stuff), and politically correct self-criticism, saying that the US has always been money-driven in international affairs. that's how they teach their own students.


I am, by the way, a graduate of Stanford University's distance learning programme in international politics. Oh, man, I'm screwed.

What are your impressions? I haven't had that experience yet.

I have a feeling so far, even on the preliminaries, that the quality of teaching is several times higher than that of the university where I studied.

By the way, do you know how much the certificates from the Advance Course count?


What are your impressions? I have no such experience yet.

I have a feeling so far, even from preliminary studies, that the quality of teaching is several times higher than that of the university where I studied.

By the way, do you know how much the certificates from Advance Course are quoted?

I think the same is true of Slava's STEETS.

I haven't heard from him for some time.


I have the feeling so far, even from preliminary studies, that the quality of teaching is several times higher than in the university where I studied.

Is there practice there? With examples...
And model parsing scenarios?

How are your impressions? I have no such experience.

I have the feeling so far, even from preliminary studies, that the quality of teaching is several times higher than at the university where I studied.

By the way, do you know how much the certificates from Advance Courses are worth?

The impression of the teaching process itself, without reference to the subject, is on the whole good. They teach you to express your thoughts, to argue. The brain is loaded to all 15 per cent. In a good way. But you understand, I'm speaking as a humanitarian. But they taught me how to write an essay there so much that I got a 4.5 out of 5 on my TOEFL test. Minus - the literature set is recommended and straying from it is not welcomed. Say, an article by Russian researchers can, of course, be quoted, but the most important thing is to express a deep understanding of the ideas in the recommended (American) articles.

I cannot say anything about technical courses.

And my certificates are gathering dust, I have never used them in my work.


In ML, as far as I understand, the emphasis will be on practice and the correct application of methods.

I don't know about AI. This thing is much wider than that. But without practice bare theory is not interesting, so I think you should not worry too much about it.

There's a video on the main pages describing what and how roughly.


The AI lectures have date mining if anything.

Mil pardon, date mining is in MO.
Speaking of Stanford. Have you seen the late Jobs' lecture? Here's one with Russian subtitles.
Speaking of Stanford. Have you seen the late Jobs' lecture? Here's one with Russian subtitles.
He said he was cured of cancer during the speech, didn't he?
From what he says, he seems to have been cured of cancer during the performance?

Once chromosomes start tearing up the wrong way, there's no stopping it. That's unfortunate.

Yes, I have heard that cancer can be stopped. But what I see in front of me is. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE.