Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 48


Excuse me, what does it say here? I understand that it's a mistake. What is he missing? ??

You would at least your expert in EX5 or better the entire source code posted on the forum.

In general, the test hangs almost completely. Often it shuts down... But that same evening, there are very alive and beautiful games, tanks-world, stalker, etc. . !

The thing is that these programs were not written by you...

LOL!!! Yeah. I'll get my act together and write some more. I'll ask...

The expert in EX5 He's agro!!! In the truest sense of the word.


And do you know about the perfect hint of backbuffering in our kanvases and snapping to an object on the screen?

We can draw frames perfectly, quickly and without artefacts.

I know all this as well as I do. and of course I use it.

I even wanted to post a movie as an ex5 file recently :)

But we are now talking about the problem of the first output to chart // at least that's what I told you
and further mapping in it is not so interesting anymore.

Renat, kanvas is great. Many articles could be written about it and I am as happy about it as you are.

But... don't do it lopsidedly. do it steadily, for the mass market.
Having such good features with kanvas and yet from the very beginning still stubbornly and deliberately not giving coordinate lines (to draw our business charts ) - that's what's incomprehensible to me.


Renat, a canvas is great. Many articles could be written about it, and I am as happy about it as you are.

But... Don't do it lopsidedly. do it steadily, for the mass market.
Having such good opportunities with kanvas and yet from the very beginning stubbornly and deliberately not giving coordinate lines (to draw our business charts ) - that's what is incomprehensible to me.

It's necessary to be clear and concise in your thoughts.

For example: "I want graphic primitives (lines, etc.) without kanvas". Instead of that you have fudged an unspecific "something is wrong somewhere".

I just can't get the visualisation ticked, it's grey and not black. Isn't that a glitch?

You should be clear and concise in your thoughts.

I'll write it all back to servicedesk.

For example: "I want graphic primitives (lines, etc.) without kanvas". Instead, you've made an unspecific "something is wrong somewhere".

I just don't quite know your awareness of certain issues/suggestions that are discussed in servicedesk.

That's why I sometimes pour a lot of water in my posts without being specific.

I just can't get the visualisation ticked, it's grey and not black. Isn't that a glitch?
It's the optimization. What does it have to do with the visualization?
THANK YOU!!! I'll turn it off now.

Colossal list 2012.10.20 16:22:49 4194304 bytes not available


2012.10.20 16:23:04 tester agent shutdown
202.10.20 16:22:52 log file "C:\Users\Миха\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Tester\FF783873B20D7FA177754FFAFD85AFB6\Agent-\logs\20121020.log" written
2012.10.20 16:22:49 stopped on 0% of testing interval
2012.10.20 16:22:49 2012.06.01 00:00:24 TERMINAL_MEMORY_USED Size of memory used by the terminal (agent), in Mb 17
2012.10.20 16:22:49 2012.06.01 00:00:24 TERMINAL_MEMORY_AVAILABLE Free memory size of the terminal (agent) in Mb 16 TERMINAL_MEMORY_USED Memory used by the terminal (agent) in Mb 17
2012.10.20 16:22:49 2012.06.01 00:00:24 TERMINAL_MEMORY_TOTAL Size of memory used by the terminal process (agent) in Mb 15 TERMINAL_MEMORY_AVAILABLE Size of free memory in Mb 16 TERMINAL_MEMORY_USED Memory used by the terminal (agent)
2012.10.20 16:22:49 2012.06.01 00:00:24 TERMINAL_DISK_SPACE Disk free memory size for MQL5 folder, in Mb 20 TERMINAL_MEMORY_PHYSICAL The physical memory size in the system, in Mb 14 TERMINAL_MEMORY_TOTAL Memory size available for the terminal (agent) process,

2012.10.20 16:22:49 4194304 bytes not available

And that's it!!!!

I may not understand exactly what memory is there, but I'm pretty sure there's something wrong, more memory should be there, let's say the C drive has 5.7 GB free, it's not great, but how is it, testing can't find any more memory!



And that's it!!!!

I may not have understood exactly what memory is there, but I'm pretty sure there's something wrong, more memory should be there, let's say the C drive has 5.7 GB free, that's not great, but how is it, testing can't find a bit more memory!

You've been told once before about memory.

Find the difference between:

This one:Жёсткий_диск

And this:Оперативная_память

Жёсткий диск — Википедия
Жёсткий диск — Википедия
Жесткий Диск В отличие от «гибкого» диска (дискеты), информация в НЖМД записывается на жёсткие (алюминиевые или стеклянные) пластины, покрытые слоем ферромагнитного материала, чаще всего двуокиси хрома — магнитные диски. В НЖМД используется одна или несколько пластин на одной оси. Считывающие головки в рабочем режиме не касаются поверхности...