Password Reset does not work - page 2

Idoren John:
I have same challenge, I have tried several times to log, so I can use my fund to purchase a product, but all to no avail.
Incase this Will help as well. What's my forum login so I can try as well

In my case it was misspelling of login. It was suppose to be AR KTOS. When I registered, I typed ARTKOS instead.

Keith Watford:

Your login is johnidoren.

Place your pointer over your name at the top of your post and you should see it in the bottom left corner of the screen.

I have done all that, on the terminal journal this is the message that always display. 
Authorization failed or
Failed to get list of users products [401]
This is making things look so frustrating.
Idoren John:
I have done all that, on the terminal journal this is the message that always display. 
Authorization failed or
Failed to get list of users products [401]
This is making things look so frustrating.

Can you post a screenhot of your community tab?


Yes that is the email I am using and still nothing is being sent from MQL5.

The email account works fine and receives all other incoming mail but no password is ever being sent through from MQL5, no matter how many times I reset it.

This is impossible without some support on this website.
How are you supposed to reset a password if their method is failing?

Rob Routley:

You might like to quote the post that you are replying to!
