Suggestion to forum admins - page 8

while only a poor and simple little retail trader, and not mixing with those who publish websites or trading platforms, it WOULD BE BEST FOR ALL IF THE RULES WERE PLAINLY POSTED FOR ALL TO SEE, as one cannot tell if theyre breaking a rule, if the rules are not there to be seen !

Imagine that might be the GREATEST fix of all !

enjoy and trade well


You mean like doing this?

"Trading With MP6140"...worst thing I ever did

T2W Day Trading & Forex Forums

... as one cannot tell if theyre breaking a rule, if the rules are not there to be seen ! ...

Hi mp6140,

Some user(s) (do not want to mention username) is using this "rules problem" for his very aggressive marketing campaign on our forum which we do not like at all and which is gong on for the long time irrespective of our desire. So, no way: we will not give any food for trolling the forum. And I do not want to discuss it anymore.



Cryten, please leave him alone.


Sure Newdigital I was all done




have we not discussed this before ?

and will i have to carry dog treats in my pocket because he has threatened to post everywhere i post !

after all, if he is to act like a puppy dog, panting and following me everywhere, nipping at my ankles, i should reward him with some biscuits or something !

since ALL i have ever done is give advice, and since this subject is from another time and place, long gone --- his threats of harrasment are not particularly effective, although one does not like the puppy dog nipping at the heels very often !



You mean like doing this?

"Trading With MP6140"...worst thing I ever did

T2W Day Trading & Forex Forums

Out of curiosty I see you deleted all my posts. Is it safe to say this forum protects these Charlatans?

...Cryten, please leave him alone.
Sure Newdigital I was all done

You promissed ...

There is the thread created by KaMpeR from South Africa. And you and mp6140 started some talking on this thread by 23 posts about the US, Europe, Russia and George W Bush sorry.

Please do not spam forex threads with unrelated subject.

We are having Non Related Discussions section here for political talking, football and so on.


Another Request...

make quick reply tab -so no need to wait long for reply short message.

cant you put this under consideration../?


What is reply tab?

You promissed ...

There is the thread created by KaMpeR from South Africa. And you and mp6140 started some talking on this thread by 23 posts about the US, Europe, Russia and George W Bush sorry.

Please do not spam forex threads with unrelated subject.

We are having Non Related Discussions section here for political talking, football and so on.

I know I did but he carried on lol.



Quick reply.

this quick reply?
