Which OS (Windows family) is best (lighter) for MT virtualization?


Which operative system (of the Windows family) is best (lighter) for MT virtualization?

I am also interested to know if there are installation custiomizations or configurations to further reduce its footprint.

Purpose of this OS is only to run MetaTrader in a virtual machine, so the smaller ram/cpu use would be the best.

I'm using XP (very light in memory usage) but I would like to know about others.


Which operative system (of the Windows family) is best (lighter) for MT virtualization?

I am also interested to know if there are installation custiomizations or configurations to further reduce its footprint.

Purpose of this OS is only to run MetaTrader in a virtual machine, so the smaller ram/cpu use would be the best.

I'm using XP (very light in memory usage) but I would like to know about others.

Windows XP because allot of mt4 development was designed around XP technology ... that just my opinion tho.