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I robot di trading e gli indicatori tecnici più utilizzati, i segnali di notizie, i programmi MQL5 più recenti in CodeBase e pronti all'uso, gli argomenti del forum più popolari.

1 nuovo segnale ora disponibile in abbonamento:

129% 738 scambi commerciali
Equity:13 965.83USD
Saldo:13 951.74USD

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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • Solar Wind Indicator for MQ5 This is a re-write of the old Solar Winds indicator for MQ5. There has recently been some 'excitement' about using this with other indicators for entry signals, and after a request to develop an indicator using it, I found that it was a classic re-painter - so I am contributing this code with an easy switch to allow seeing the indicator in re-paint versus non-repaint mode.
  • Ehlers FM Demodulation The FM Demodulation Indicator tracks the timing of price variations.

I codici sorgente più scaricati questo mese

  • PivotPoint This indicator draws pivot points, resistances and supports.
  • Candle Time End and Spread The indicator displays the current spread and the time till closing the bar (candlestick) at the same time.
  • Volume Profile + Range v6.0 Volume Profile + Range v6.0 (former TPO). Distribution of deals by price levels at a given time interval. Displayed as a histogram.

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Più di 40 nuovi grafici pubblicati:

图表 EURUSD, H1, 2021.05.01 09:02 UTC, RoboForex Ltd, MetaTrader 4, Demo
チャート GBPUSD, H6, 2021.05.07 16:52 UTC, Alpari, MetaTrader 5, Real
图表 USDCHF, M30, 2021.05.01 09:00 UTC, RoboForex Ltd, MetaTrader 4, Demo

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I codici sorgente più scaricati questa settimana

  • PivotPoint This indicator draws pivot points, resistances and supports.
  • Candle Time End and Spread The indicator displays the current spread and the time till closing the bar (candlestick) at the same time.
  • Simple timer next candle A non-invasive candle time that can be positioned next to price or near a corner.

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Ci sono più di 14 830 prodotti disponibili nel Market

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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

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Ci sono più di 14 780 prodotti disponibili nel Market

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I codici sorgente più scaricati questo mese

  • Candle Time End and Spread The indicator displays the current spread and the time till closing the bar (candlestick) at the same time.
  • PivotPoint This indicator draws pivot points, resistances and supports.
  • Simple timer next candle A non-invasive candle time that can be positioned next to price or near a corner.

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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

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I codici sorgente più scaricati questa settimana

  • Candle Time End and Spread The indicator displays the current spread and the time till closing the bar (candlestick) at the same time.
  • PivotPoint This indicator draws pivot points, resistances and supports.
  • Simple timer next candle A non-invasive candle time that can be positioned next to price or near a corner.

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1 nuovo segnale ora disponibile in abbonamento:

-50% 1953 scambi commerciali

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Ci sono più di 14 720 prodotti disponibili nel Market

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