How long have you been using the Same EA and its still Profitable

  • 24% (78)
  • 13% (44)
  • 14% (47)
  • 11% (36)
  • 9% (30)
  • 9% (30)
  • 9% (31)
  • 9% (31)
Total voters: 128
same EA but different parameters?
same EA but different parameters?

Different parameters as a re-optimization due to changing market?

If the core logic is still intact then YES. 


Which EA are you talking about?

Which EA are you talking about?
Your own, and the same one.
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Did your guys with profitable re-optimized your EA every now and then?

How and what do you re-optimized then?

Signals Are All The Same Haven't Changed.. Its Been More Than 5 Years
Signals Are All The Same Haven't Changed.. Its Been More Than 5 Years
you found your holy grail...
you found your holy grail...
Not All Trades Are Winners Money Management Is In Play.. Can Have A Poop Strategy and Make It Work.. I think thats fair.. Nothing Holy About It
i have been using a very good scalping EA now for more than five years and it is highly profitble