Big projects.


Everyone has a big project in life. A major goal that he or she strives for. At least, that is how it should be.

I suggest that in this thread you talk about your main projects related to trading, developing serious products (without advertising), and business.

By revealing your global plans, we will also be able to learn a lot of useful information about your environment, and even join together in joint projects in the future.


Everyone here has one "global project" - to make more money.

Everything else is preparation for it.

Реter Konow:

Everyone has a big project in life. A major goal that he or she strives for. At least, that is how it should be.

I suggest that in this thread you talk about your main projects related to trading, developing serious products (without advertising), and business.

By disclosing your global plans, we can also learn a lot about your environment and even join joint projects in the future.

a long time ago I started drawing in the terminal, creating panels and graphical interfaces.

Then I went into custom programming, having started my own graphic projects altogether.

I also had a great desire to enter the 21st century and the new mt with new technologies.

That's exactly the kind of technology you use in your GUI.

That's probably why I lost the desire to create my own GUI......

Vladislav Andruschenko:

a long time ago, I started drawing in the terminal, creating panels and graphical interfaces.

Then I went into bespoke programming, having started my graphic projects altogether.

But I had a great desire to enter the 21st century and the new mt with new technologies.

That's exactly the kind of technology you use in your GUI.

That's probably why I lost the desire to create my GUI......

I am very sorry that my project has stopped you from possibly implementing your project. Unfortunately, that's what happens in life. If I overrode someone else's big plans for GUI development on MT, I sincerely apologize. Simply, enduring years of being unable to create a complete program in MQL, was unbearable for me. Perhaps I, more than others, felt the potential of algotrading on MT platform, and at the same time - the oppressive constraint of opportunities.

I saw your works. I gave them as an example when I just started my project. Believe me, they still make a very good impression on me).

George Merts:

Everyone here has one "global project" - to make more money.

Everything else is preparation for it.

But you, George, probably have your own big project, too. Will you tell us about it?
Реter Konow:

I am very sorry that my project has stopped you from possibly pursuing your project. Unfortunately, this is what happens in life. If I blocked someone's big plans for the development of graphical interfaces in MT, I sincerely apologize. Simply, enduring years of being unable to create a complete program in MQL, was unbearable for me. Perhaps I, more than others, felt the potential of algotrading on MT platform, and at the same time - the oppressive constraint of opportunities.

I saw your works. I gave them as an example when I just started my project. Believe me, they still make a very good impression on me).

Thank you. :-) I was just stating the fact of my laziness.

When I want to do something, I look it up on the internet first. And my problem is that finding similar already realized projects - I am lazy to do mine.

I admit that I am long "behind" the current capabilities of the terminal and programming language. Even the "newbies" have long surpassed me in some situations. ((((

I used to be proud of my panels. now I realise it's like a last generation mercedes. Drives it well. But users need something more powerful, more interesting, more technologically advanced.

Alas. I abandoned my self-education in the pursuit of profit from orders. ......

But I will definitely get back into the technology flow...

in this regard - my big project is to beat laziness and create my own understanding of GUI :-)


1. Enslave the world!

Dmitry Fedoseev:

1. Enslave the world!

Wouldn't it be better to"change the world"? :)
Реter Konow:
Wouldn't it be better to"change the world"? :)

It was a joke.

Реter Konow:

Everyone has a big project in life. A major goal that he or she strives for. At least, that is how it should be.

I suggest that in this thread you talk about your main projects related to trading, developing serious products (without advertising) and business.

By revealing our global plans, we can also learn a lot about our surroundings and even team up on joint projects in the future.

if you tell - it will not come true)
you cannot tell anyone.

George Merts:

Everyone here has one "global project" - to make more money.

All the rest is preparation for it.

Everyone wants to make a lot of money, but the amount is different for everyone).

Vladislav Andruschenko:

Alas. I abandoned self-education in the pursuit of profits from orders. ......

But I will definitely get back into the flow of technology...

With that in mind - my big project is to beat laziness and create my own understanding of GUI :-)

And what will it yield?
Dmitry Fedoseev:

1. To enslave the world!

make all the money in the world)
Dmitry Fedoseev:

It was a joke.

There's truth in every joke, as they say.)