To the site admins


Hello! I'd like to change my password. I went to my profile but I can't find it! What to do? ))


Have you pressed the "Edit" link?
Roger писал(а) >>
Have you clicked the "Edit" link?

clearly!!! but there's no such option to change the password!!! (((


Try it this way:

Rosh писал(а) >>

Try it like this:

it works! >> Thank you!!!


A request to the admins.
I have a search engine on my site with different results when I type the same keyword.
I'm trending, in order to find all messages with this word in Code Base. - Well, sometimes it returns about 300 messages in Code Base, and sometimes shows me not a single one. It's the same with the word "channel". I think it's something with the site, please look it up.

I would like to take this opportunity to ask our esteemed admins why links do not work in Opera, if you open the link in a new window?

C-4 писал(а) >>
I would like to take this opportunity to ask our esteemed admins why links do not work in Opera, if you open the link in a new window?
They work for me. I have Opera version 10.10.
also works, 10.10 and 10.20
C-4 писал(а) >>
I would like to take this opportunity to ask our esteemed admins why links do not work in Opera, if you open the link in a nome window?

It's not in Opera, it's in a broken link, sometimes the name of the object is copied once.
That not to interrupt as a result the object hangs as a link and the address is in this form
but that part of the link before the slash is gone or has changed to a forum.
In Opera, you need to left click on the link - it automatically opens in a new tab. If you right-click and select "Open in new tab", a 404 error does pop up (though not always).