Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 310

Разрешите тоже Вам немного внимания уделить. Точнее покритиковать. Вы, уважаемый, по-моему, ошиблись веткой. Как сделать то, что Вы просили, Вам уже написали, притом не раз. Это не место, где "на халяву" пишут любые Ваши "хотелки" за бесплатно. Честь и хвала Андрею, что реализовал то, что Вы просили, но, на его месте, я на этом бы и остановился. Хотите продукт по Вашим требованиям - закажите во фрилансе.

)))) Thank you kind man! You've lifted my spirits for the evening))))
)))) Thank you kind man! You've lifted my spirits for the evening))))
Oh, that's great! Raised my spirits, super! If no one writes you what you want by tomorrow, I will do it myself. And I'll tell you right away, it's not hard for me, especially for such a gallant gentleman!

I usually keep track and move everything myself..., been doing it for five years now ))) ...Lots of poking around in a calculator .... Thanks.

Out of respect for your hard work I have attached an indicator below :) Take advantage of it.
Let me give you a little attention, too. To be more precise, to criticize. I think you, my dear, have mistaken branch. How to do what you asked, you have already written, and more than once. This is not a place where "for free" to write any of your "wants" for free. Kudos to Andrew for implementing what you asked, but if I were in his shoes, I would have stopped there. If you want the product according to your requirements, order it on a freelance basis.
)))) Thank you kind man! You've lifted my spirits for the evening))))

So, if there's something wrong this time too, I'll take it from here.

AutoFibo.mq4  7 kb
I am very grateful to you, Andrew, it's a pleasure. I am a newcomer on this forum and on this site and frankly speaking, I do not know the ins and outs of this place. If I offended anyone, please sincerely forgive me. I appreciate responsiveness and I will remember it. If you have to pay for hints that I ask for, I will pay. I am even more relaxed. I will write to you when I try your product. If I am obligated to you, write to me, I will thank you. Thank you!
Thank you, Andrew, very nice to meet you. Here on the forum and on this site I am a newcomer and frankly confess I do not understand the local order. If I have offended anyone, please forgive me. I appreciate responsiveness and I will remember it. If you have to pay for hints that I ask for, I will pay. I am even more relaxed. I will write to you when I try your product. If I am obligated to you, write to me, I will thank you. Thank you!

You don't get paid for tips - what nonsense... But here loafers do not like (no-no-no, I'm not talking about you, I'm just so, in general).

Usually, if a person wants to learn how to program, he/she puts out his/her code, says what he/she cannot do, and gets answers and tips. You don't know what questions you might have. But they do not like beggars - they are sent straight to joba (well, almost).


За подсказки тут не платят - что за чушь... Но вот халявщиков не любят (не-не-не, я не о вас, я так, в общем). 

Обычно, если человек хочет научиться программировать, то выкладывает свой код, говорит что не получается в нём у него, ему отвечают, подсказывают. Да мало ли какие вопросы могут быть. Но вот попрошаек не любят - сразу (ну почти) в джобу отправляют.

I see what you mean, Artem )))) I am an ordinary speculator. I haven't practiced programming yet, but I think it's worth starting )))
Так что, если и в этот раз что-то не так - то дальше ужо без меня.

This time Andrei has hit the bull's-eye! You're a professional! Thank you!
At this time, Andrew hit the bull's-eye! You're a professional! Thank you!

You're welcome. You haven't offended anyone and you don't owe anyone anything :)

As a rule, when people are asked to do something, they try to be clear about what they need. If they don't do it right away, they may have to overhaul the program (sometimes many times).

In this case, it is a very small programme and it is not critical.

If you suddenly think of automating something else:

There is a "freelance"(aka "joba") service on this site - you can order to write/fix any program there. The alternative is to do it yourself...


And just in case, my "not in vain" was really a sincere expression about the advice not being in vain, not a hint of money for a tip. )

It just happens, as it did for me yesterday, for example:

Explained one thing to a man here on the forum (concerning one of the "deadly sins" on this site). In response, he later wrote in his thread that he "got it, thanks".

And then immediately proceeded to commit the same "mortal sin" by suggesting that those who wish to receive it should write to him in person. /* the moderators, being more laconic and harsh, deleted that thread, as I saw later

I am grateful to you friends! The responsiveness is appreciated. And in order not to disturb the minds of forum participants anymore, I decided to start studying the local constitution )))