Masterpieces of literary creativity


Very strongly written...

The spring sunshine and fresh air tired my legs, so I sat down on a bench.

I squinted slightly at the sun and smoked a cigarette.

A rustling sound behind the bench awoke me from sweet spring exhaustion. I turned around and saw a boy of about six years old, staring intently under the bench. The boy walked leisurely around the bench, still searching for something under it.

After the birth of my son, I have a completely different attitude towards children.

I look at the baby.

His clothes are awfully poor, but they look clean. There's a dirty spot on his nose. The look, the look in his eyes struck me. There was something too grown-up, too independent about him. I thought I was imagining things, you can't have a look like that at six years old. But it was the way the kid looked under the bench.

I took out my gum and put the pad in my mouth. The toddler shifted his gaze to my hands for a moment, then immediately lowered his eyes to the ground.

- Uncle put your feet up, please," the kid said looking at me.

I raised my feet above the ground more out of surprise than consciously. The boy crouched down, and looked carefully at the ground beneath my feet.

- Not here either," the kid sighed.

- Chewing gum?" I asked, looking at the little man.

- What's yours, I like fruity," he answered.

- I have a mint, - I took out and gave him the gum in the palm of my hand.

He hesitated a little, took the pad and put it in his mouth.

I smiled when I saw his hands, just a kid's hands, dirty as hell.

We looked at each other and chewed gum.

- It's nice today, it's warm," I said.

- No snow, that's very good," he said thoughtfully.

- What did the snow prevent you from doing?

- You can't see anything under the snow," the kid said.

The kid put his hands in his pockets, looked at me and said:

- I'm going, it's going to get dark soon and I almost didn't find anything, thanks for the chewing gum", he turned around and walked down the alley looking at the ground.

I couldn't tell exactly what it was that made me call out to him, probably some grown-up respect for the sensible kid.

- What are you looking for?" I asked.

Kid paused, and after a moment's thought, asked:

- You ain't gonna tell nobody?

- Hm no no one, is it a secret?" I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

- It's my secret' said the kid.

- Alright, I promise I won't tell," I said with a smile.

- I'm looking for pennies, there's plenty in the alley if you know where to look. There are a lot of them under the benches, I found a lot of them last year.

- Coins?" I said.

- Yes, coins.

- Last summer you were looking for them here too?

- Yes, - baby's face became very serious.

- And today you found a lot, - I asked him curiously.

- Right, he said, and reached into his trousers pocket.

And little hand took out a scrap of paper from pocket. The kid squatted down, unfolded the paper and laid it on the pavement. A few coins glittered in the paper. Scowling, the kid took the coins from the paper and put them in his dirty little hand. His lips were moving at the same time, as if he was counting his findings very diligently. A few minutes passed, and I looked at him smilingly.

- Forty-eight kopecks," he said, poured the coins into a newspaper, wrapped them up and put them in his trouser pocket.

- Wow, so you're rich," I said, smiling even more.

- Nah, not much, not yet, but I'll find plenty over the summer.

I remembered my son, and myself, and who does not collect money for candy or toys as a child?

- Do you collect for candy?

The kid was frowning, not saying anything.

- Oh, maybe for a gun?" I asked him again.

The boy frowned even more, and remained silent.

I realized that my question was out of line, I realized that I had touched something very important, and maybe personal, in the little man's soul.

- Well, don't be angry, good luck and lots of coins, will you be here tomorrow?

The kid looked at me somehow very sad and said quietly:

- I'll be here every day if it doesn't rain.

That's how my acquaintance and later friendship with Ilyusha (as he called himself) started. Every day I would come to the alley and sit down on the bench. Ilya would come, almost always at the same time, and I would ask him, how was the catch? He squatted down, unwrapped the newspaper, and counted his coins with great diligence. Not once was there more than a ruble.

After a couple of days of our acquaintance I suggested to him:

- Ilyusha, I've got a couple of coins here, would you like to add them to your collection?

The kid thought for a long time and said:

- Nah, you can't just do that, my mum told me that you should always give something for money, how many coins do you have?

I counted the coppers in the palm of my hand.

- Exactly 45 kopecks," I said with a smile.

- I'll be right back," and the boy disappeared into the nearest bushes.

In a couple of minutes he returned.

- Here, I'll give you this for the coins", said the boy, and held out his hand to me.

There was a piece of red pencil, a candy wrapper, and a piece of green glass from a bottle.

So we made our first deal.

Every day I brought him change, and I left with pockets full of his treasures, in the form of beer caps, paper clips, broken lighters, pencils, little cars and toy soldiers. Yesterday I got away fabulously "rich", for 50 kopecks change, I got a plastic soldier without an arm. I tried to refuse such an unfair exchange, but the little guy was as firm in his decision as reinforced concrete.

But one day the kid refused the deal, no matter how I persuaded him, he was adamant.

And the next day he refused.

For days I tried to understand why, why he didn't want to take any more coins from me? Soon I realised, he had sold me all his unsophisticated wealth, and he had nothing to give me in return for my coins.

I went on the sly. I came a little earlier and quietly threw a few coins under the benches. The kid would come to the alley and find my coins. He would pick them up, squat down at my feet, and count them with a serious look.

I got used to him, I fell in love with the man. I fell in love with his judgement, his independence and his insistence on finding coins. But every day I was wondering why he was collecting coins for the second year?

I had no answer to that question.

Almost every day I brought him candy and gum. Ilyusha was happily snacking on them.

I also noticed that he rarely smiled.

Exactly one week ago, the little one didn't come to the alley, didn't come the next day, and didn't come for the whole week. I never thought I would be so worried and waiting for him.

Yesterday I came to the alley hoping to see Ilyusha.

I saw him, my heart almost flew out of my chest. He was sitting on the bench, looking at the asphalt.

- Hi Ilyusha, - I said smiling, - why didn't you come, it didn't rain, there must be some coins under the bench, and you are wasting time.

- I did not have time, I do not need coins," he said very quietly.

I sat down on the bench next to him.

- Why are you sad, brother, what do you mean, I had no time, I don't need them, stop it, tell us what you have, I brought you some coins, and I gave him my hand with coins.

The boy looked at his hand and said quietly:

- I don't need any more coins.

I never thought that a child of six could speak with such bitterness and hopelessness in his voice.

- Ilyusha, what's wrong? - I asked him and put my arm around his shoulders - what did you need those coins for anyway?

- For my daddy, I was collecting coins for my daddy, - tears came out of my little boy's eyes, baby tears.

My mouth was dry and I sat there, unable to get a word out.

- What did Daddy need them for?" My voice traitorously trailed off.

The baby sat with his head down, and I could see tears falling on his knees.

- Auntie Vera said that our daddy drank a lot of vodka, and Mum said that my daddy could be cured, he was ill, but it would cost a lot of money, so I collected for him. I already had a lot of coins, but I did not have time, his tears streamed down his cheeks.

I hugged him and held him to me.

Ilya cried out loudly.

I held him against me, stroked his head and didn't even know what to say.

- Daddy is gone, he died, he's very good, he's the best daddy in the world, and I didn't make it," the baby sobbed.

I had never experienced such a shock in my life, tears came out of my eyes.

The baby sharply pulled away, looked at me with tearful eyes and said:

- Thank you for the coins, you are my friend," he turned around, wiping his tears on the run and ran down the alley.

I looked at him, wept and looked at this little man who had been put to such a test by life at the beginning of his journey and realized that I could not help him at any time.

I never saw him again in the alley. Every day for a month I went to our place, but he was gone.

I came a lot less often now, but I never saw him again, the real man Ilyusha, six years old.

To this day, I throw coins under the bench, because I'm his friend, so he knows I'm around.
drknn >>:

Очень сильно написано...

A good lesson in kindness.

Mikhail Weller. Guru

A quote....
"A good text is a coded language, it has a suprasemantic
charm and is comprehended by slow reading."
"Don't be afraid of contradictions in the narrative - they allow you to consider
"Don't be afraid of contradictions - they allow you to look at the subject from different angles, enriching it.
"A true short story is a coded novel."
"Short prose has not yet known a master of counterpoint."
And much more. Still, I couldn't sleep.
The day of the funeral was ordinary, grey, unremarkable. And he
lying in the coffin - no one, not him; and I know how the morgue prepares the body for
for burial...

drknn >>:

Очень сильно написано...

And the author's name?

//Find it there...

" Literature is possible without criticism, but criticism is impossible without literature.
(Appreciate the freshness of thought!)
Literature creates its own world, but criticism doesn't.
This critic just eats me like a worm eats an apple! And where it eats...
he shits where he eats it. Who are you?!
Criticism is when a critic teaches a writer how he, the critic, would write
what he, the critic, would have written if he, the critic, could write.
The critic reacts unusually strongly to criticism of his own
he perceives it as a taboo. Although it is flattering to be elevated
by the fact of criticism to the level of the criticized, which he strives for!

Writer: -- I am a writer.
Worker: -- I think you're shit.
Critic: -- The other one is shit. This one's a genius.

......Mikhail WELLER

denis_orlov >>:
А имя автора ?
I don't know whose it is. I liked it - I saved it on my computer. Today I was sorting through the data and came across this story.



Natalia Ochkur

I am a Woman, so I am an Actress, I have a hundred faces and a thousand roles.

I am a Woman, so I am a Queen, the beloved of all earthly kings.

I'm a Woman, which means I'm a slave to the salty taste of wrongs.

I am the Woman, which means I am the desert that will scorch you.

I am Woman, I am strong of will, but you know, even if life is a struggle,

I'm a woman, I'm weak to the point of pain

♪ I'm a woman, so I'm Destiny ♪

I'm a Woman I'm just a flash of passion, but I'm all about patience and hard work,

I am the Woman I am that great happiness that is not cherished at all.

I'm a Woman, and that's why I'm dangerous, fire and ice in me alone.

I am a Woman, and thus I am beautiful from infancy to gray-haired old age.

I am Woman, and all the roads in the world lead to me, not to Rome.

I am Woman, I am God's chosen, though already punished by Him...


Three pounds of truth, a pound of guile,

Three grams of faithfulness, a pound of evil,

Ten pounds of insolence,

Twenty-two buckets of pretense.

One eighth of a gram of honour,

And one gramme of constancy,

To men two hundred tons of greed,

Three tons of greed for money.

Now put it all together,

Add three buckets of dope,

♪ Put it all in a cool place ♪

And here's a woman's soul!!!))


Are you crying, darling? Don't be,

For this is just God's judgment,

♪ The steps of icy hell ♪

♪ And my bare feet are burning ♪

But I'm coming down. I'm going down,

The circle of other people's sins is closed...

There's no fire, only darkness and dampness,

And dreams without dreams.

There are no devils and no curses,

Only dulling pain,

And the bitter taste of loss,

A stranger's costume, a stranger's part.

Already there are bills to be paid

My forgotten bills...

Are you crying, darling? How unfortunate!

For I am the guilty one. I am not the same.

I am not the same, and I will never be the same again,

I'll never see heaven's gates,

But this memory... is our memory

Heaven and hell in the same bottle.


Here are 2 other things - I don't know who wrote them - I saw them on the internet, liked them, saved them on my computer

I'm reaching for the sky with my soul,
♪ but I can't take off like a wounded bird ♪
The heavy burden of harsh, gray days
The cruel, cruel weight of grey days!
I could soar above the clouds!
To soar above the world and weep for joy!
But someone's heartless hand
Cut off my wings in the hour of inclement weather
And the real world stands still before me
All the hustle and bustle, all the petty squabbles.
It used to be beautiful...
♪ Now it's frozen, revealing all its vices ♪
And someone's voice cried out to me: "Wake up!
Wake up! You can start all over again!"
And my life flew before me,
Flying nowhere... And I was silent...


Outside the window the rain cries softly
Over her obscure fate.
He's gone and there's no getting him back.
And what's the use? God be with you.
Night descends on the sleepy town,
A warm light comes on.
Outside the window the rain cries softly,
And he's not with her.
She steps out onto the dark balcony,
She looks down in silence,
And, shaking off the black and white dream
She'll stand on the slippery ledge
She will step forward,
And her heart will go sweetly to sleep...
Did you think she'd fall?
No, you didn't. No. She'll fly

drknn писал(а) >>


Immediately!!!!!!, Hear that, monsieur just immediately, ............. dealer's phone number please!!!!!!!

while i go change my avatar...

something from earlier --.... --

drknn >>:
Я не знаю чьё это. Мне понравилось - я сохранил у себя в компе. Сегодня сортировал данные и наткнулся на этот рассказ.
Ay-yi-yi-yi! You can't do that to authors... ))