ChartRedraw(0) not working


I am updating Rates to chart

            MqlRates   rates[  1  ];  
rates [ 0 ] .open = GetRatesOpen (); 
rates [ 0 ] .high = GetRatesHigh (); 
rates[ 0 ].low  = GetRatesLow();  
rates [ 0 ] .close = GetRatesClose (); 

CustomRatesReplace  (  _Symbol  ,rates[  0  ].time,rates[  0  ].time,rates);  

I am using CustomRatesReplace to update chart in real time but i am facing two issues:

1. prev_calculated always returns to zero

2. ChartRedraw(0) not refreshing chart

Any help regarding how to make these would, will be very helpful


Dark Ryd3r:

I am updating Rates to chart

I am using CustomRatesReplace to update chart in real time but i am facing two issues:

1. prev_calculated always returns to zero

2. ChartRedraw(0) not refreshing chart

Any help regarding how to make these would, will be very helpful


I am using following method to refresh chart every time when a new candle closes, but looking forward if its possible to get prev_calculated working


 int  num =  iBarShift ( NULL , PERIOD_M1 , TimeGMT ()- PeriodSeconds ( PERIOD_M1 ), false ); 
  if (num!= 1 ) { 
  ChartSetSymbolPeriod  ( 0 , _Symbol , _Period ); 

probably your indicator is being stopped. constantly check the stopping flag

