Getting Event date on MqlCalendar


Hello, I was wondering if is there anyway to acquire the date of the events from this function:

void PrintCalendar()
MqlCalendarEvent events[];
//--- get EU currency events      
      int count = CalendarEventByCurrency("EUR",events);
      Print("count = ", count);
//--- 10 events are sufficient for the current example
//--- display events in the Journal        

I'm trying to retrieve the events date in order to write a csv and import it to mql4 provided that mql4 has no in built functions or library to retrieve the economic calendar

Thanks in advance. 

Antonio Bartolucci:

Hello, I was wondering if is there anyway to acquire the date of the events from this function:

I'm trying to retrieve the events date in order to write a csv and import it to mql4 provided that mql4 has no in built functions or library to retrieve the economic calendar

Thanks in advance. 

Use CalendarValueHistory instead of CalendarEventsByCountry
Antonio Bartolucci:

I'm trying to retrieve the events date in order to write a csv and import it to mql4 provided that mql4 has no in built functions or library to retrieve the economic calendar

One of the implementations of such an import.

Библиотеки: Calendar
Библиотеки: Calendar
  • 2021.05.09
Статьи и техническая библиотека по автоматическому трейдингу: Библиотеки: Calendar