
Divorce methods...

That's interesting... (A similar fraud scheme was practiced in America in cities with racetracks... :-))) Let's say the opening price of the next day in a more or less calm market rarely differs from the previous day's closing price by more than 300 pips in one direction or another... break this

The fight against PYTHIA 8 has come down to a dumb formula...

ABS(((High-Low)/(Open-Close))*(Vol*(Open-Close))/1000... the meaning is not clear yet, but practically every following period works in 80% of cases...:-)) (divided by 1000 to get digits that are digestible and can be immediately covered by a glance)... What is it...either the inertia of a

What's not the Grail?

Out of 633 trades, zero losses... Isn't that the Grail? Gentlemen programmers ... :-)))

What Does It Mean ?

MT4 used to add a "[tp]" to the comments when my trades reached their limit. Now, when they reach their limit, it adds "[tp/a]". The person on the phone at my broker doesn't know -- she claims it is my EA putting it in :) Just curious: Is this a change you made at metaquotes or is this a change my