
Anyone have libmysql.dll functions description?

I want to use the dll but need the syntax for the result function. Can someone please help me find a tutorial with the proper calls to the dll? in this code 'TicksInMySQL' are used some calls to make and run a query but i want to read the results also. Any help or a poit where i can get it will be

CList of CArrayInt how to?

Hi, i need help please. I need a list whit CArrayInt objects . First i create it and then i want to use the arrays. Why when i do this i get no compilation errors but when it runs i get "incorrect casting of pointers". What i do wrong? Thx CList *list= new CList; //--- if (list== NULL ) {

ATC2011 Testing Time 5min - Big Red Light for MultiCurrEAs

Hi ALL, I understand what a challenge is to prepare and organize such a huge event as the ATC11. My ALL respect to the organizers for all efforts! It is not a "fast" task to test more than 900 EAs no one will place this in question, but let us analyze the 5min limitation rule in closer. To pass the

How are FILE_SHARE_READ&WRITE working exactly?

Hi, i have some problems working with files and am on the search for help. Please, will anyone explain how to use FILE_SHARE_READ &WRITE correctly? string subfolder= "Trade" ; filehandle= FileOpen (subfolder+ "\\Active.csv" , FILE_COMMON | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_CSV , ',' );

Using Synapse dll from MT4 on MQL, How to use deployed dll from MetaTrader 4

Hi, I'm new to Synapse and did have browsed for the topic but found nothing in the forum. So I suggest here to create a tutorial on using Synapse dll on MT4. Please can some one help me? I start as described bellow: #import "XXX.dll" void StepEpoch(); // Step one epoch #import this is OK because I

Is every new bar volume strarting at 0?

Can it happen that Volume[0]!=1 in a everytick mode? I mean is volume just add tick to count like 1,2,3,4, and so on or is it otherway? Tnkx

ATC 2008 - EA Testing for qualification

Please, let us give more details on how EAs will be tested to qualify. Are the tasts made via the MT4 Tester? Will the checkup IsTesting () will return true during the tests the jury will make? What exactly an EA must show to be let take part of the championship

Array organization?

Hi, i do pattern search 8 times one time for every timeframe. When i find it i make a call to one function every time. This function get 3 parametres as input like this: void Vote ( int VoterID , int VoteID , datetime VotingTime ) then i want to organize the data in an array to make some basic

Is there a way to download history from EA?

Hi all, i need to use iLow , iHigh and iOpen/Close functions in one EA. It works fine for some pairs but for some pairs not. It depends on history in database. Basicly i want to make sure that all history is downloaded, when not download it. No info in the docs :( so please someone help

Build 213 update problems

Since update to 213 this msg apears..I think 213 has some serious problems! I do not have 2x x86 i just use P4 not DUO ??What can i do to get rid of this mist