
Email mit Dateianhang versenden mit MT5

Hallo, im MT4 gab es so eine schöne .dll "xpmail", um eine Mail mit Dateianhang mit dem MT4 zu versenden. Gibt es sowas für den MT5 auch? Nichts gefunden trotz intensiver recherche... Oder funktioniert diese .dll auch beim MT5? (noch nicht probiert...) Vielen Dank, Klaus

HTML to Chart

Hi, is it possible to transfer the trades of a html-Statement (produced on an other computer by the tester) into a chart on my MT4? Maybe there is a script that can do? Thanks für help, Klaus

Tester in new build 604 doesn't work correct

Hi, the new tester in the build >600 seems to have a bug. Possibly the tick-Generation is not precise enough. Here 2 screenshots: Old build 509 is working correct, the stop has released when backtesting the FDAX, the spike on last Thursday. Here the tester of build 604, the same EA / same strategy /

How to urge "live update" to work?

Hi, I have all in all 5 installations of MT4 on 3 computers, all connected to the same broker, same live-account. The problem is, that on the first computer there is still build 509, on the 2nd is build 604, the 3rd buil 610... :-/ Usually the updates are fully automated, but actually the

Function StrToTime causes error 4051

Hi, the editor in build >600 doesn't like the function StrToTime. Calling it causes the error 4051. What's wrong?? code is here: //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| test.mq4 | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property